I believe that the main issue is not so much religion it is more so about the tradions and values of Catholic Church and other denominational religions.
Religion is not suppose to surpress, it is suppose to free. TCC, as many other denomitionas are, are so bound by tradition, views of others, and views within their own system. Christianity however, is not a religion, it a way of life, a faith. It is the only \'religion\' that is so simple in its principles yet makes so much sense. You simply truly believe that Jesus is the saviour and make an effort to live your life the way he would want you to live it. I believe everything that is written in the Bible and in all honesty is makes so much sense. The Catholic church in particular is so caught up in its image of \'holiness\' that these recent probems with child molestation occur. Just because its a church, doesn\'t mean that everyone associated with it are going to never do anywrong. They should just addmit that sure these things do happen from time to time and the priests should be immediately sacked from their positions.
Yes, it appears in modern day (1940\'s - onward) translations of the Bible (NKJ, NIV etc) that homosexuality seems to be frowned uppon by God. However, its believed because of public opinion about homosexuality throughout the early to mid twentith century that many translations of the english Bible were exaggerated and/or missconstructed. If you go to the original Hebrew/Greek text, it translates quite differently, and this is why there is no clear cut answer in the church (one of the reasons).
I don\'t believe that \'times change\', I do however believe, that with all the cancers, tumours, birth defects, radition, air pollution etc that a birth \'defect\' (as in a different wireing of the brain) that would cause someone to be attracted to the opposite sex via genes would no be impossible, and would be certainly liking to occur.
I don\'t think the issue is the homosexuality, I think its more so that he should be celibate. if hetro priests have to stay celibate, then so should he, and he shouldn\'t be in a relationship (no matter how innocent) if he is supposed to abbstain.