High-resolution X-ray diffraction analysis of the Bragg peak
integrated intensity in highly mismatched III-N epilayers
By G. Feng, X.M. Shen, J.J. Zhu, B.S. Zhang, D.G. Zhao, Y.T. Wang, H. Yang,J.W. Liang.
T he successive phase transformation in a Co-rich Al–Ni–Co
decagonal phase
By Kazuki Yamamoto , Wang Yang, Yutsuki Nishimura, Yoshie Matsuo.
Study of the magnetic order in a Co/Cr multilayer by magnetic
Bragg di!raction at the Co 2p resonance
By Alessandro Mirone!, Maurizio Sacchi!, Esther Dudzik, Hermann DuK rr,Gerrit van der Laan, Annie Vaure, FreH deH ric Petro