Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
I am amazed by the ignorance that anyone has. You have to be ignorant to support any remote idea that someone can go to jail for spitting on a cop. I can see some jail time and a fine, but come on, a life sentence? Give me a frickin\' break and don\'t even try this "he\'s a wife beater" thing. People make mistakes and they recover from them. It\'s possible he made a mistake and in the heat of it spit on a cops face...So, we sentence him to life, while other people are getting 10 - 15 years for actually KILLING someone? Seriously, the US justice system is messed up and people who support that are messed up in the head.
And don\'t try the "well..he may of had a rap sheet..etc". If they couldn\'t charge them for the others - then there is no reason to go looking for the most trivial reasons. It\'s complete and utter bullsh!t.
And by this quote, you are assuming he did have a huge rap sheet . It makes no difference. We can\'t go grabbing people up for lesser charges, just because we lack enough evidence to charge them with actual harmful crimes .
You missed something. It\'s a deadly weapon when used against a goverment employee . If I spit on your grave - it would not give you any legal right to kill me. No, self defense would not work.
Do you think that spitting is actually attempted homicide? Give me a freakin\' break!
I am not assuming he has a huge rap sheet. I am saying that you guys are passing judgement on this like he really just spit on a cop. He could very easily have a long rap sheet, but nothing major that they could put him away with. Finally they got this one charge they could do and they jumped on it.
A long time ago I was on a jury where I guy died when he was beat up by a group of people. The dude on trial admitted to the cops to throwing one punch. The guy who died passed away in the hospital after a few days of trying to make it. Well since the guy died from the beating we gave the defendant life in prison.
We didn\'t want to do it, but it was the law. It seemed harsh for the one crime, BUT this was a known drug peddler. I\'m sure if I looked up his wrap sheet it was probably quite lengthy. The guys name was James Threats. It was kind of funny because the Prosecution called him like it is spelled and the defense pronounced it like Threets.
What I am saying is that the judicial system is horrible. People get so many chances. Violent people are violent people. This guy thought nothing of beating the shit out of someone. I don\'t want him on the streets. That could have been me. It could have been anyone of you. Do I feel bad about giving him life even though he only admitted to one punch? Not at all. Hell, he\'s probably already out and that was only 6 years ago.
And you know what, we put that guy in jail when Clinton was in office.