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Author Topic: God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..  (Read 2087 times)

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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #30 on: July 07, 2003, 02:22:03 AM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
Thank you.

It is beyond ignorant to think that spitting on someone is attempted to murder or assault with a deadly weapon. But, there are always blind sheep that will follow anything the goverment does and this is just another example of that. Grasping at straws to justify the goverments actions.

You know guys, just because there are differing opinions than yours does not make those people with those opinions morons.

Now get closer so I can spit in your face! :) ;)

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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #31 on: July 07, 2003, 04:06:36 AM »
The HIV virus is not transmitted by saliva, so no, it\'s not attempted murder.

oh, i guess it\'s impossible for the guy to have a sore, or a cut in his mouth

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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #32 on: July 07, 2003, 05:47:27 AM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
I am amazed by the ignorance that anyone has. You have to be ignorant to support any remote idea that someone can go to jail for spitting on a cop. I can see some jail time and a fine, but come on, a life sentence? Give me a frickin\' break and don\'t even try this "he\'s a wife beater" thing. People make mistakes and they recover from them. It\'s possible he made a mistake and in the heat of it spit on a cops face...So, we sentence him to life, while other people are getting 10 - 15 years for actually KILLING someone? Seriously, the US justice system is messed up and people who support that are messed up in the head.

And don\'t try the "well..he may of had a rap sheet..etc". If they couldn\'t charge them for the others - then there is no reason to go looking for the most trivial reasons. It\'s complete and utter bullsh!t.

And by this quote, you are assuming he did have a huge rap sheet . It makes no difference. We can\'t go grabbing people up for lesser charges, just because we lack enough evidence to charge them with actual harmful crimes .

You missed something. It\'s a deadly weapon when used against a goverment employee . If I spit on your grave - it would not give you any legal right to kill me. No, self defense would not work.

Do you think that spitting is actually attempted homicide? Give me a freakin\' break!

I am not assuming he has a huge rap sheet.  I am saying that you guys are passing judgement on this like he really just spit on a cop.  He could very easily have a long rap sheet, but nothing major that they could put him away with.  Finally they got this one charge they could do and they jumped on it.

A long time ago I was on a jury where I guy died when he was beat up by a group of people.  The dude on trial admitted to the cops to throwing one punch.  The guy who died passed away in the hospital after a few days of trying to make it.  Well since the guy died from the beating we gave the defendant life in prison.  

We didn\'t want to do it, but it was the law.  It seemed harsh for the one crime, BUT this was a known drug peddler.  I\'m sure if I looked up his wrap sheet it was probably quite lengthy.  The guys name was James Threats.  It was kind of funny because the Prosecution called him like it is spelled and the defense pronounced it like Threets.

What I am saying is that the judicial system is horrible.  People get so many chances.  Violent people are violent people.  This guy thought nothing of beating the shit out of someone.  I don\'t want him on the streets.  That could have been me.  It could have been anyone of you.  Do I feel bad about giving him life even though he only admitted to one punch?  Not at all.  Hell, he\'s probably already out and that was only 6 years ago.

And you know what, we put that guy in jail when Clinton was in office.
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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #33 on: July 07, 2003, 08:03:33 AM »
Originally posted by videoholic

I am not assuming he has a huge rap sheet.  I am saying that you guys are passing judgement on this like he really just spit on a cop.  He could very easily have a long rap sheet, but nothing major that they could put him away with.  Finally they got this one charge they could do and they jumped on it.

A long time ago I was on a jury where I guy died when he was beat up by a group of people.  The dude on trial admitted to the cops to throwing one punch.  The guy who died passed away in the hospital after a few days of trying to make it.  Well since the guy died from the beating we gave the defendant life in prison.  

We didn\'t want to do it, but it was the law.  It seemed harsh for the one crime, BUT this was a known drug peddler.  I\'m sure if I looked up his wrap sheet it was probably quite lengthy.  The guys name was James Threats.  It was kind of funny because the Prosecution called him like it is spelled and the defense pronounced it like Threets.

What I am saying is that the judicial system is horrible.  People get so many chances.  Violent people are violent people.  This guy thought nothing of beating the shit out of someone.  I don\'t want him on the streets.  That could have been me.  It could have been anyone of you.  Do I feel bad about giving him life even though he only admitted to one punch?  Not at all.  Hell, he\'s probably already out and that was only 6 years ago.

And you know what, we put that guy in jail when Clinton was in office.

You sound remarkably close to an Uncle of mine. The jury including him decided to send a guy to jail. They all agreed he was innocent, but they all figured he was guilty of somthing else.

I am sorry, but deciding to send someone to jail is a serious matter. I do not care if he had a rap sheet 5 miles long. Convict someone of real crimes, and not erroneous crimes.

Videoholic to me this thread says that it would be safer for me to come into your house, and brutalize one of your family members. Yet I would get less time for that than spit on some cop.

The punishment should fit the crime.

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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #34 on: July 07, 2003, 08:27:24 AM »
Originally posted by Capcom

Videoholic to me this thread says that it would be safer for me to come into your house, and brutalize one of your family members. Yet I would get less time for that than spit on some cop.

The punishment should fit the crime.

Do you not read my posts??????

That is not what is being said at all.  

What I am saying is that this guy could have been avoiding the legal system for many years.  Doing lots of crap, but nothing major.  Finally they got something that, as bogus as it is, actually is a felony and they can nail him for it.

Of course brutalizing someone\'s family is worse than spitting on a cop, but this guy has brutalized his wife and that is only worth a year?  Give me a break.  Not a whole lot of first timers are beating their wives.  This guy more than likely has a history and that is why they jumped on this charge.
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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #35 on: July 07, 2003, 08:27:59 AM »
The above post is all hypothetical of course.  :)
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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #36 on: July 07, 2003, 10:42:07 AM »
I do read your posts. The point I so poorly made was that there should be no loopholes for D.A.\'s or cops to exploit just because they think someone deserves punishment. I could care less if he had a rapsheet. If you get right down to it. I seriously doubt you go an entire day without breaking some sort of law. Does that mean that someone should use that against you if they fill you have gotten away with somthing. Or better yet they just don\'t care for you.

A police officer can arrest you for assault if you so much as touch their godly attire. Thus I am not sure this individual was of the worst sort of people.

Or how about this analogy videoholic. Do you speed in your car? Do you think that since someone is prone to speed they should when they are finally caught. You should be given a ticket to encompass all the speeding you have, or might have done without being caught?

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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #37 on: July 07, 2003, 10:58:46 AM »
Well your analogy is stupid because I am talking about the guy getting caught for numerous things.  Getting caught, but nothing bad enough to put him away for any length of time.  If he\'s a wife beater then he won\'t get much time.  

If I get a ticket for speeding I just say to myself, "At least he didn\'t catch me the other day when I was going 115."  and if I get caught speeding numerous times then yes, my penalty increases because they take my license away.
I wear a necklace now because I like to know when I\'m upside down.
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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #38 on: July 07, 2003, 02:35:48 PM »
What I am saying is that this guy could have been avoiding the legal system for many years.

Well your analogy is stupid because I am talking about the guy getting caught for numerous things.

Your own words.

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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #39 on: July 07, 2003, 03:05:02 PM »
Its crazy to me when I read something that says a woman/man in an abusive relationship deserves what they get for not leaving or that a woman who is raped should get some of the jail time because she may have brought it on herself.

If a woman had consentual sex with a man and then called rape afterwards then she should DEFINATELY get some jail time. However, even if she went to a guys house at 3 in the morning in a bikini with a box of condoms and lube, if she said no before they had sex then she meant no. If a dude thinks that he has to rape her because she got his dick hard then he can\'t control himself and needs some time in the clink.

As for abusive relationships. I have seen a couple and its not always as easy as you think it is to just walk away. Sometimes it is easy and the woman is too blinded by love to go; but other times there are a lot of factors that make a woman to scared to leave(thinking that her situation would be worse if she left than if she stayed).

Thats like saying that someone who was robbed should get some of the jail time because they had so much money and flaunted it at their attacker or that they should not have been in the situation so its their fault.

When it comes to the main topic I can(kind of) see why they would have this law in place. It is possible to get a disease from someone spitting on you if the conditions are right. I think that this ruling pisses a lot of people off because the idea of getting life in prison for spitting on someone is hard to wrap your mind around.

Its kind of like giving someone life in prison for throwing water baloons that could have had some contaminated water in it or executing someone for blowing in someone\'s face because they could have been blowing anthrax.(stupid analogy, I know.)
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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #40 on: July 07, 2003, 04:22:25 PM »
I see you dont seem to be a proponent of accountability.
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A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.-George Washington

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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #41 on: July 07, 2003, 05:45:50 PM »
Originally posted by Capcom

What I am saying is that this guy could have been avoiding the legal system for many years.

Well your analogy is stupid because I am talking about the guy getting caught for numerous things.

Your own words.


I use the word Avoid in the wrong context and you pick it apart.  You know exactly what I mean.  I stated my thoughts a couple times already.  He is avoided getting a stiff penalty on priors is what I meant.  BUt I think you knew that.  Or at least I hope you did.
I wear a necklace now because I like to know when I\'m upside down.
 kopking: \"i really think that i how that guy os on he weekend\"
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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #42 on: July 07, 2003, 10:52:19 PM »
Originally posted by luckee
I see you dont seem to be a proponent of accountability.
The victim should be held accountable for a crime perpetrated against them? That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

I am all for accountability when it comes to frivolous lawsuits like suing a restaurant for making you fat or because you spilled some coffee on your crotch. There is no reason someone should be held accountable for another person\'s inability to control themselves.
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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #43 on: July 08, 2003, 04:19:00 PM »
Originally posted by Gohan
The victim should be held accountable for a crime perpetrated against them? That is the stupidest thing I have ever heard.

I am all for accountability when it comes to frivolous lawsuits like suing a restaurant for making you fat or because you spilled some coffee on your crotch. There is no reason someone should be held accountable for another person\'s inability to control themselves.

So what about in WA months ago when a women raped a man who was passed out and impregnated herself. Friends even testified against her saying that she planned on doing this.

Yet this women did not goto jail and even worse than that is she won another court case so the guy she raped would have to pay child support.

Some moron judge/jury allowed this shit.

As far as abuse is concerned..what is the difference between me..200 lbs hitting you and a 250lb female body builder doing the same? Im sure she would do more damage than me, but you would still not hit her? I think not.

I repeat..ANYONE that strikes ANYONE should be prepared and expect the same.
\"Booze, broads, and bullshit. If you got all that, what else do you need?\"-Harry Caray

Don\'t cry over spilled milk., It could have been Whiskey.-Me

A free people ought not only to be armed and disciplined, but they should have sufficient arms and ammunition to maintain a status of independence from any who might attempt to abuse them, which would include their own government.-George Washington

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God Bless the US Justice system....Man Gets Life system for spitting..
« Reply #44 on: July 08, 2003, 04:39:03 PM »
Originally posted by luckee
So what about in WA months ago when a women raped a man who was passed out and impregnated herself. Friends even testified against her saying that she planned on doing this.

Yet this women did not goto jail and even worse than that is she won another court case so the guy she raped would have to pay child support.

Some moron judge/jury allowed this shit.

As far as abuse is concerned..what is the difference between me..200 lbs hitting you and a 250lb female body builder doing the same? Im sure she would do more damage than me, but you would still not hit her? I think not.

I repeat..ANYONE that strikes ANYONE should be prepared and expect the same.

I am amazed by that story. I believe you in this day and time anything is possible. What a sad state the legal system is in.

Edit: I would not hit her if she was a bodybuilder. I could not even outrun her.


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