I agree with all of you. There are some kids this day that act like they\'re the toughest thing at 9 years old. Two days ago I was driving down Ross. There was a group of little 10-12 year old kids walking the opposite way I was driving. There were 4 people in the car. My friend David, my g/f, my g/f\'s friend, and my g/f\'s friend\'s boyfriend. So anyways, the I stopped at the stop sign and the stupid brats started acting like if they wanted to fight, you know like they get some seizure and start rocking their heads back and forth. So my g/f\'s friend\'s boyfriend gets out the car and the little brats actually think they can take him on, sure they talked lots of smack but they talked it while walking away. Also, a few days ago my cousin\'s dad sent him to jail. Why? B/c he decided he was going to steal his mom\'s jewelry and his dad\'s guns and sell them for 500 dollars. My uncle also sent his girlfriend(who lives with them) to jail for being part of the whole operation. First off he\'s only 17 and his girlfriend is already living with him in his PARENT\'S house. He needed the money to buy a car after he wrecked his Cadillac that his dad BOUGHT for him, and after he wrecked the Mercedes which was his DAD\'S. He is the only child, get\'s anything he wants yet he decided to throw away his life like that. What really sucks is that my mom is so influenced with what my cousins do and she automatically thinks that I might do the same thing. So it\'s hell for me when I want to go out. It\'s more hell for me since now shes bitching about me getting a car.
Lot\'s of kids this days deserve to get hit. I don\'t think the government should allow abuse, but I also think the government shouln\'t allow kids to act like assholes.