What if time isn\'t linear though.
Since the time we know is \'man-made\', then let us say that time is linear. Everything goes or moves in a forward motion from the present to the future. When we remember what happened, then it is considered the past.
Now, let\'s examine time as it really presents itself.
Some time ago (the past)...a history teacher told me that the past is happening right now. I asked him what he meant by that. His response was, "The past, present and future are happening as we speak."
It\'s true. At this very moment, the past, present and future are interwoven. Therefore, time is not linear. Although, if you watch a clock\'s second hand, time passes in a linear forward direction. But, for one millisecond, that second hand is stationary--without a past, present or future....Or, with a past, present and future interwoven.
Science is not exact. Another teacher once said that the word \'hypothesis\' is very imperative to science. It gives science the room for conjecture. That creative element that Albert Einstein so often used.
Relativity speaking, past and future:
A planet that we see through a telescope at this very moment has already evolved some millions of years ago. We are looking at that planet\'s future in our present since it\'s distance determines the time frame.
A photograph captures a present time of an instant long past.
Our mind plays the time game during the day, and at night when we dream....The subconscious is such an amazing repository.
Okay, now on to the hypothesis.
Albert Einstein\'s theory of relativity suggests that time slows down when travelling near the speed of light. So, if an object travelled at the speed of light (300,000,000 m/s) then time would stop completely. Just like in a photograph. Exceeding the speed of light may cause the whole process of travel to revert itself, and you would actually be traveling backwards in time. At this point, it is impossible to reach the speed of light since we are merely living in a prehistoric world compared to the \'man-made\' future. At this point, the only known substance that can achieve this feat is the Tachyon.
As of today, Tachyonic Acceleration is the only way to travel through time. Accelerating the Tachyons past the speed of light would result in a backwards time motion. But, tachyons are not people. We have to travel in something to get anywhere. The machine that will take us to the past or the future needs some consideration. It hasn\'t been built yet. Of course, there is the exception such as dimensional rifts. What if that dimensional rift existed? How do we find it? Where is that Vortex to propel one into the past or future?
More ^^
Ok well let\'s say you can travel to the past and kill your grandpa...Wouln\'t that have already happened if you came from the future. If your past was that you killed your grandpa, then whatever you do in the future must have not been affected by going back to the past. Because since your from the future, going back to the past WAS your past..........i think im way off though.....
Also if you go back to the past and see something, go back to where you belong, would you remember going back to the past? And was it your future remembering going back to the past?