With all the desire to question the government along with the arm chair politicians we have here, I sort of wish this country had a dictatorship. Personally I could care less about the living conditions of Iraqi\'s, people in the UK or the rest of the world for that matter.
Call me selfish, ignorant, whatever... all that matters to me is the safety of the US and all those that reside in this country. Destroying Saddams regime was in the best interest of THIS country. It has nothing to do with being patriotic, rather it is self preservation in a sense. 9/11 was reason enough to go after Iraq and I still find it reason enough to go after Iran and N. Korea.
This global idea of a utopian society is a farce. In our lifetimes we will never see a world without war, famine, genocide, etc... One question I have for those that say other countries were more deserving of liberation than Iraq... name them and describe the reason as to why it would be in the United States best interest to do so. As much as some would like to believe that the US is the well of plenty and should help all underdeveloped nations, I totally disagree. Unless it servers our interest, to hell with them.
In some respects I agree with those that say we have problems here we should address, but at the same time we should also deal with external threats whether it be through preemptive means or just keeping a watchful eye.