The U.S. does have the right at anything that may be a threat. It doesn\'t give it the right though to lie about it in order to get support.
That\'s not the point Giga. You said that the US doesn\'t give a damn about anyone else, except it\'s own interest. I shouln\'t even say US b/c it\'s just Bush and his government. If that\'s true Giga, then instead of saying to the world it\'s trying to rid the WORLD from threats and terrorism. They should say they\'re trying to rid the WORLD of the threats and terrorist against the US. I don\'t hate the Policies of this country, I hate the policies that Bush has implemented. I hate the fact that he has shown his true face, yet people still support him. Why? Im not sure, it might have to do with the fact that since 9/11, being against Bush is Anti-american. Sure, we can blame Saddam, Laden, and the governent of N.K. We already blamed Saddam, none of the nukes that the world was hoping for were found. What happened to them? For all we know he could have sold them to some other terrorist group. Does Bush care about that? No, as long as Hussain is out of power. We all hate Laden, but where is he? Is HIS threat really over? Aren\'t people already bitching at NK for what they\'re saying? Bush, isn\'t doing anything about that. He decided to have peace and trust instead of facing the threat. People say that NK is just bluffing, there is no way in hell we can be sure.
Why not blame Bush? Sure, It\'s all good he decided to attack Afghanistan. But everything else going on in this country is because of him. If it isn\'t then he isn\'t doing his job. It\'s his job to keep this country straight. If it isn\'t, he is the boss, he gets the blame.