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Author Topic: Your favorite quote from the Bible  (Read 3121 times)

Offline clowd
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Your favorite quote from the Bible
« on: July 20, 2003, 11:58:21 AM »
I have way more then one but my current favorite is from Jesus

"Happy are those hungering and thirsting for righteousness, since they will be filled."

-Mathew 5:6

Lately I have had a strong desire to learn more about God, and this scripture gives me hope that if I am thirsting for righteousnss,  I will be filled

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Your favorite quote from the Bible
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2003, 02:17:54 PM »
Please be carefull about what you say around people...that came of kind of rude. Some of us have different beliefs and thats alright.

As for me clowd, there are alot of things in proverbs and psalms that are great for spiritual growth.
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Your favorite quote from the Bible
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2003, 02:46:02 PM »
There are a lot of good quotes in the Bible. Lots of funny stuff too.

For example, how God dictates that if you have feelings of homosexuality you should restrain them because it\'s the not the way of things in our world.. and yet plenty of homosexuals worship at the Catholic church..

Very hypocritical; it goes to show you how much things have gotten corrupted..

Just a note: I\'m going to disregard any posts made to challenge my opinion, heh.. :)
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Offline clowd
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Your favorite quote from the Bible
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2003, 03:20:13 PM »
Why should I challenge your opinion when it is right?

Here is another good scripture,  not a quote but very interesting indeed,  I never noticed it until a few days back

There are, in fact, many other things also which Jesus did, which, if ever they were written in full detail, I suppose, the world itself could not contain the scrolls written."

-John 21:25

Makes you think that the things written in the Bible that Jesus did was just a fraction of the things he did.  The things written were the things that we could benefit from today the most.

Offline Skyrider666
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Your favorite quote from the Bible
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2003, 05:01:15 PM »
Not sure which part of the bible it\'s from but I did see it in there,

"If your right hand sins cut it off and cast it away"

Now if that is refering to masturbation there is going to be a lot of slow typing in these forums. :D
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Your favorite quote from the Bible
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2003, 05:56:15 PM »
I liked the part where Noah was loading Triceratops onto the Arc.  That part was classic.  I don\'t know the exact words, maybe Racer can find it.  :)
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Offline Kimahri
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Your favorite quote from the Bible
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2003, 06:26:16 PM »
*Kimahri waits for thread to turn into 15 pages of non-sense.*

Offline SwifDi
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Your favorite quote from the Bible
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2003, 08:19:41 PM »
Bah, a slelected few of you are ruinin the thread.

Let me flip through my bibble. Yes, my bibble.

Offline shockwaves
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Your favorite quote from the Bible
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2003, 08:57:42 PM »
First of all, anyone who uses this thread to point out hypocracy or inconsistancy in the Bible loses my respect in this thread.  And this comes from an athiest.  Whether you believe or not, you can still take a lot from this book if you give it a chance.

I know that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice, and to do good as long as they live.

- Ecclesiates 3:12

One that I like.  Chapter three of the book of Ecclesiates is my favorite.

Offline SwifDi
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Your favorite quote from the Bible
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2003, 09:00:41 PM »
Originally posted by shockwaves
First of all, anyone who uses this thread to point out hypocracy or inconsistancy in the Bible loses my respect in this thread.  And this comes from an athiest.  Whether you believe or not, you can still take a lot from this book if you give it a chance.

Wow... Tony, I didn\'t think I could have any more respect for you, but now it\'s through the roof. That is a very strong point.

P.S. Awesome scripture too

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Your favorite quote from the Bible
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2003, 09:32:39 PM »
Originally posted by shockwaves
 And this comes from an athiest.  Whether you believe or not, you can still take a lot from this book if you give it a chance.

Being a "non-religious" man myself, I\'ve always wanted to take a gander at the Bible. Some of the stuff seems pretty interesting! :)

Anyway, since I\'ve never read it, I don\'t have a favorite quote.

Offline Lord Nicon
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Your favorite quote from the Bible
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2003, 09:58:05 PM »
Originally posted by Kimahri
*Kimahri waits for thread to turn into 15 pages of non-sense.*

Shut up :p

I havent read the whole thing but i have stayed fairly religious over the years. It seems though that i get less and less religious over time, but i have a very strong desire to belive. Its just hard to bring myself to do so. Not only that but there are so many divisions and a nice number of religions that are both very simillar and different. I just dont know. But since im still religious basically i consider myself to be a baptist or something along those lines, (that is the crazy black churches and the singing. I love my church. I couldnt see myself going to any other. Its very successful too. Its large and it does a lot to help children and help them learn the word of god). Very nice
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
Yessir massir ima f*** you up reeeeal nice and homely like. uh huh, yessum ; ).
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Your favorite quote from the Bible
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2003, 10:44:22 PM »
I picked up the bible once, read about 2 pages and got bored... I\'m just not into that stuff. :)
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Offline Samwise
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Your favorite quote from the Bible
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2003, 11:44:29 PM »
Aw, I wanted to make a joke, but now I can\'t. Silly people.

Well, perhaps if I sneak in a real quote as well...

Alright my two favorite parts of the Bible are:

"A merry heart doeth good like a medicine; but a broken spirit drieth the bones."

- Proverbs 17:22

"The End"

Either way, I\'m not defending people making fun of the Bible in this thread, or those who point out inconsistencies etc. But one has to ask himself if PSX2Central is the best place to ask for a serious discussion of The Bible. And since this thread is coming from Clowd I have my beliefs that this wasn\'t thought out very well.
(thanks Chizzy!)

Offline SwifDi
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Your favorite quote from the Bible
« Reply #14 on: July 21, 2003, 12:04:20 AM »
I agree Samwise... I think a bible discussion thread isn\'t suited too well with OT. But I\'m sure the members are mature and respectful enough to keep their rash opinions to themselves.


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