Those "slow, painful deaths" came for a reason in God\'s plan. Did Christ not die a slow and painful death for you?
Listen, I don\'t wanna turn this into a heated religious debate, you asked a question, I gave you my answer. I\'m sorry you disagree with it, or don\'t understand it.
I wasn\'t upset. I see nothing wrong with a healthy debate, as long as no one starts flaming.

Besides - those threads are often the best threads in this forum.
I have to disagree though. If it\'s "God\'s Plan" for peope to die miserable deaths, than if there is a God - I have to say, I want nothing to do with him. Isn\'t \'God\' suppose to be like a father? A loving father? What loving father would want their child to die painfully?
My point? I don\'t think it\'s "part of God\'s plan". I don\'t think there is a plan. I think in the end, we all die. Some of us just have a better death than the others. And sayin\' someone\'s death is part of "God\'s plan" is just to try and ease the pain and pass the blame off on something / someone. Instead of facing reality and facing the fact - that there is no plan and sense in death, other than the fact it\'s natrual...Sadly, natrual.
Note: You\'ll note I am not arguing if there is a God or not. I don\'t know if there is and I am in no position to say there is or isn\'t. I just fail to see the logic in saying "it\'s God\'s plan" for people to die slow painful deaths.