Alright - this is a serious thread. Basically, if you spam or start flamin\', I\'ll delete your post....Now that I\'ve got that out of the way...
What do you think you\'ll die from? And why?
I figure I\'ll go from either one or two things.
(1) The most likely is cancer. Both my parent\'s have cancer. My grandmother has it. I just had a great-uncle die Tuesday from it. His brother died from it. His father died from it and I do believe my great-grandmother did also. All of that is just on my mother\'s side of the family.
(2) Wagners-grandala-tois. I think I spelled it right. If not - oh well. My father has that. It\'s almost like cancer, but not quite. He has one lung from it, due to the fact it eats away at your organs. His grandfather died from it (which was diagnosed as cancer at the time, but later decided it was not).
Both shitty ways to go. Or I could end up with both, as both are largely genetic. Tho\', it seems the "wagners" often skips a generation.
How do you think you\'ll go?
Remember, serious conversation only.