SirMystiq, I\'d get mad if I didn\'t find your post so funny. I\'ll prolly reply more later, but for now, I\'ll just say this. You have the right to do whatever you want in your personally life. If two other people both choose to spend their personal time like this, what business of yours is that?
I fully agree that any religious group should have the right to deny any group marriage under their institutions if they want to. It\'s a private group, and it reserves that right. However, I do believe that gay people should be allowed to legally marry under law, if not under God.
I honestly don\'t see why people have such a problem with it. Sure you wouldn\'t make the same choices, and you don\'t have homosexual feelings yourself, but that doesn\'t mean that no one else should. What if heterosexual relationships are as much of a turn off for them as homosexual ones are for you? Is it fair to force them into such a life style? No, it isn\'t.