ahhh, so your a charelton heston fan? good.
i would say 28 days later borrowed more ideas from Romero\'s Day of the Dead (1985)
the "zombies" were cognizant in Omega Man. true they suffered from a virus in both films, BUT the "zombies" in Omega man weren\'t flesh eaters. they were fully functioning people that thought they were in the right way of things, and that the uneffected were deseased
both 28 days later and day of the dead featured the military influence (omega man didnt), and they both had a "pet" zombie that they kept for study.
i could go on with similarities between the two, but alas....im bored already
filming technique? i\'ll leave that one alone
you want a good "end of the world" type film?
here, a NZ one at that

oh, and :rolleyes::rolleyes: