Here we go....
If you aren\'t fat but say chubby, I wouldn\'t worry too much about loosing fat, as your workout\'s will expend about 150-300 kcal\'s depending on your size and intensity. Also, the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn as each lb of muscle will use 20 kcals per day at rest (if you were in a comma, your body would use 20kcal per pound of muscle)
First you should figure out what your goal is, and prioritize it. I myself will be in natural body building comp\'s come spring, so my bodybuilding is my number one priority. I spend all my money and time towards it.
Once you figure out how important it is, and what you want to acomplish, it\'s time to figure out what to do. If it\'s a high enough priority, you\'ll want to begin to eat right. Diet is about 50% of getting in shape. Find out you LBM (lean body mass, aka how many pounds of your weight is muscle) say if you\'re 150lbs, and are 10% body fat, then you have 135lbs of muscle, and that means the absolute least amount of kcals you want to ingest will be 20 x\'s your LBM. 20 x\'s 135=2700 kcal. Once you figure out you\'re daily caloric intake, you have to figure out how much protein to take in, which is atleast 1g per lbm, so that would be 135 (as an example). 4 calories per gram of protein means that you\'ll take in 570 calories of protein per day. The rest of your diet will consist of low glycemic carbs (complex carbs like whole wheats, pasta\'s, rice etc...) and healthy fats such as your omega fatty acids, and poly and monousaturated fats. You get your omega\'s in fish, and the unsaturated fats are in olives, and penuts (olive oil is a good source for the unsat fats) Healthy fats are good for you in moderation, so try to take in about 40-50 g\'s of the healthy fats as they will help you go anabolic. Also, be sure to take in atleast 40grams of carbs after your workout, this will cause you to go anabolic and help muscle production.
Now if you really don\'t care about diet, and just want to get in better shape and not become Mr. Universe, here are some routine.
All are 3 sets with 8 reps
Routine 1
Monday; Back and Bi\'s
Widegrip pull ups
T-Bar row
Lat pull down to neck
Straight Bar curl
Incline Curl
Wends Chest, shoulders and tri\'s
Flat Bench
Incline Bench
DB fly
Military press
Bent over Lateral raise
skull crushers
Fri Legs and lower back;
Squats (3 sets X\'s 20 reps)
45 degree leg press (3X20)
Straight legged deadlift
Seated Calf Raise (3x20)
Standing Calf Raise (3x20)
the idea behind the 20 reps for legs is that they need extra attention as they face far more action in your regular day to day movement than any other muscle)
here\'s another routine that\'s a bit newer of a philosophy. It\'s called HST training (Hypertrohpy Specific Training). The idea is that your body recovers better as a whole than it does when individual muscles are worked out. So it focuses on working the whole body...with no rest in between sets! I\'ve seen clients use this with great results, and the whole routine takes just 15-20 minutes. Here it is;
Squat - 1x10
Stiff Leg Deads - 2x10 Legs
Incline Bench - 2x10
Dips - 1x10 Chest
Chins - 2x10 (W.N.)
Rows - 2x10 (W.N) Back
Shrugs - 1x10 Traps
Shoulder Press - 1x10
Lateral Raise - 1x10
DB Curls - 2x10 Biceps
Tricep Ext. - 2x10 Triceps
Calf Raise - 2x10 Calves
Crunches - 2x10
(Or Pick Your Own)