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Author Topic: Working Out  (Read 1185 times)

Offline DarkchimP
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Working Out
« on: August 27, 2003, 11:21:16 AM »
I wanted some advice from some of you guys that work out regularly and have a little knowledge about it. I wanted to work out at my school 2-3 times a week and am unsure of what sort of routines to use. I am gearing these workouts for weight loss and muscle building.(if those 2 are possible at the same time.) Workouts will probably be around 1 - 1.5 hours.

Anyways any advice you gents could give me for starting off and or some basic tips would be great. thanks.
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Offline Halberto
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« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2003, 11:51:11 AM »
Never work out without giving your body few days to rest, eat a lot of protein packed foods (fish is really good),  try making a routine.

What I do is: Monday - Chest, biceps, and triceps Thursday: Back, Shoulders, traps and Sunday: Legs, abs, or anything else.

I usually give my body 2 whole days to rest.

Offline Kimahri
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« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2003, 12:36:30 PM »
Its extremely hard to lose fat and gain muscle... but i have heard stories of it being done.

Usually it is accomplished while on a CKD diet (Keto diet).

Are you really overweight?... if so, you should do a cut cycle (fat loss).

But if you can tolerate your excess fat for a while, you could do a bulk cycle then cut up.

Since summer is pretty much over... its a good time to start bulking, thats what im doing :D

Offline Kurt Angle

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« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2003, 12:53:31 PM »
theomen is the guy to ask, he is our resident beefcake.

Offline theomen
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« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2003, 03:17:59 PM »
Here we go....

If you aren\'t fat but say chubby, I wouldn\'t worry too much about loosing fat, as your workout\'s will expend about 150-300 kcal\'s depending on your size and intensity.  Also, the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn as each lb of muscle will use 20 kcals per day at rest (if you were in a comma, your body would use 20kcal per pound of muscle)

First you should figure out what your goal is, and prioritize it.  I myself will be in natural body building comp\'s come spring, so my bodybuilding is my number one priority.  I spend all my money and time towards it.

Once you figure out how important it is, and what you want to acomplish, it\'s time to figure out what to do.  If it\'s a high enough priority, you\'ll want to begin to eat right.  Diet is about 50% of getting in shape.  Find out you LBM (lean body mass, aka how many pounds of your weight is muscle)  say if you\'re 150lbs, and are 10% body fat, then you have 135lbs of muscle, and that means the absolute least amount of kcals you want to ingest will be 20 x\'s your LBM.  20 x\'s 135=2700 kcal.  Once you figure out you\'re daily caloric intake, you have to figure out how much protein to take in, which is atleast 1g per lbm, so that would be 135 (as an example).  4 calories per gram of protein means that you\'ll take in 570 calories of protein per day.  The rest of your diet will consist of low glycemic carbs (complex carbs like whole wheats, pasta\'s, rice etc...) and healthy fats such as your omega fatty acids, and poly and monousaturated fats.  You get your omega\'s in fish, and the unsaturated fats are in olives, and penuts (olive oil is a good source for the unsat fats)  Healthy fats are good for you in moderation, so try to take in about 40-50 g\'s of the healthy fats as they will help you go anabolic.  Also, be sure to take in atleast 40grams of carbs after your workout, this will cause you to go anabolic and help muscle production.

Now if you really don\'t care about diet, and just want to get in better shape and not become Mr. Universe, here are some routine.

All are 3 sets with 8 reps
Routine 1
Monday; Back and Bi\'s
Widegrip pull ups
T-Bar row
Lat pull down to neck
Straight Bar curl
Incline Curl

Wends Chest, shoulders and tri\'s
Flat Bench
Incline Bench
DB fly
Military press
Bent over Lateral raise
skull crushers

Fri  Legs and lower back;
Squats (3 sets X\'s 20 reps)
45 degree leg press (3X20)
Straight legged deadlift
Seated Calf Raise (3x20)
Standing Calf Raise (3x20)

the idea behind the 20 reps for legs is that they need extra attention as they face far more action in your regular day to day movement than any other muscle)

here\'s another routine that\'s a bit newer of a philosophy.  It\'s called HST training (Hypertrohpy Specific Training).  The idea is that your body recovers better as a whole than it does when individual muscles are worked out.  So it focuses on working the whole body...with no rest in between sets!  I\'ve seen clients use this with great results, and the whole routine takes just 15-20 minutes.  Here it is;

Squat - 1x10
Stiff Leg Deads - 2x10  Legs

Incline Bench - 2x10
Dips - 1x10  Chest

Chins - 2x10 (W.N.)
Rows - 2x10 (W.N)  Back

Shrugs - 1x10  Traps
Shoulder Press - 1x10
Lateral Raise - 1x10

DB Curls - 2x10  Biceps

Tricep Ext. - 2x10  Triceps

Calf Raise - 2x10  Calves

Crunches - 2x10
(Or Pick Your Own)
« Last Edit: August 27, 2003, 03:20:38 PM by theomen »

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Working Out
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2003, 03:42:04 PM »
My lax coach makes up lists and what weight we should do. If I get a sheet within the next few weeks, I\'ll PM you what we do. But I usually just lift weights with certain exercises on certain days. I haven\'t been lifting since March (lax season) so I need to get back in shape.
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Offline DarkchimP
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« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2003, 04:25:49 PM »
Ok guys that helps a lot. No I am not really fat just like 15 pounds overweight but I still would like to lose that little extra on my belly. Is there a good website that you guys know of that explains all the exercises that you guys are talking about. Because frankly some of them I have no idea what they are :D

Anyways thanks for all the help guys, it is much appreciated.
We love you Dr.Sayus.

Offline DarkchimP
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« Reply #7 on: August 27, 2003, 04:28:20 PM »
One more thing... about what weight should I start lifting at.... I know it is all based on current strength and weight but I mean is there like a middle number on most machines or in free weights that is the most common to start on?
We love you Dr.Sayus.

Offline theomen
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« Reply #8 on: August 27, 2003, 05:31:56 PM »
My fav sight for showing people the form of exercises;

as for what weight you should do, pick a weight that you can lift for 6-12 reps.  Anywhere in there will spur hypertrophy (muscle building)

Offline Halberto
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« Reply #9 on: August 27, 2003, 06:07:00 PM »
This site is good too for questions http://www.intense-workout.com/

Offline SwifDi
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« Reply #10 on: August 27, 2003, 06:11:34 PM »
I\'m about 2 weeks into my workout routine of 3-4 days a week... It\'s really awesome. All I can say Chimp is stay dedicated and it will payoff, try not to get distracted, I\'m sure you have many priorities, but if you wanna be serious about it you have to act like it. Just try to fit it into your schedule and your body will thank you for it.

I really got into it once I shed 15 pounds of extra weight after swim season. Once I got cut down to size, now I\'m buidling on that, mainly for my own personal appearance, and also for the following swim season, in which I qualified for state in sub-par shape, imagine what I could do if I was in great shape?

Just stay commited, and patient. You won\'t grow buff over night, but as you develop a routine with it you\'ll the obvious changes such as old weights getting easier to lift, and better muscle tone, etc.

I helped.

As for my question... so how important is the rest? Sometimes when I skip an extra day I try to make up for it by working out two days back to back... Is that not healthy? Sure I\'m sore, but I don\'t feel like I\'m straining anything...
« Last Edit: August 27, 2003, 06:12:45 PM by SwifDi »

Offline PSX_J
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« Reply #11 on: August 27, 2003, 06:55:06 PM »
Theomen, I do a reqular workout like you just suggested but I also do speed weights once in a while. They seem to help burn off fat and tone your mucles better but are they really safe and effective?  If so I might just begin doing them more often. I\'ve been doing them off and on  for  a few years now without problems but you can never be to sure.

Note: for anyone who doesnt know, speed weights are where you usually put lighter weight on than usual but go non stop timed or to failure as fast as possible.
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Offline theomen
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« Reply #12 on: August 27, 2003, 06:57:01 PM »
Rest is EVERYTHING!  When you workout you want to cause hypertrophy, and the only time hypertrophy happens is when you rest.  The theory is rest about 48 hours between working the same body part.  So if you worked out your chest on monday, don\'t work it out until Wendsday at the earliest.

However, you can workout on back to back days as long as it\'s not the same group of muscles.  If you workout chest/tri\'s on day 1, you can workout back/bi\'s or legs and low back on day 2.  I personally workout 12 times a week right now....but I\'m a bit chemechaly enhanced right now, thanks to 1-ad.  For someone who doesn\'t have the benefit of an anabolic (a legal one, I\'d hope) I\'d say just keep your workouts spaced apart by 48 hours.

Offline theomen
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« Reply #13 on: August 27, 2003, 07:02:05 PM »
Originally posted by PSX_J
Theomen, I do a reqular workout like you just suggested but I also do speed weights once in a while. They seem to help burn off fat and tone your mucles better but are they really safe and effective?  If so I might just begin doing them more often. I\'ve been doing them off and on  for  a few years now without problems but you can never be to sure.

Note: for anyone who doesnt know, speed weights are where you usually put lighter weight on than usual but go non stop timed or to failure as fast as possible.

Speed weights are more arobic than anarobic, thus it\'ll burn more kcals, but won\'t cause any real hypertrophy.  It\'s good to throw it in every once in a while (like once every two weeks) to stop the muscle from learning the routine and stop it from adapting to the workout and stop gaining muscle.  The bad part about it is that it\'s a bit useless for gaining muscle, and if you don\'t have enough glycogen in your system you could go catabolic and start eating a little muscle.

So basically, it will burn more kcals which in turn will make you look more "cut", but it won\'t build any major muscle, more of an endurance muscle like a runner.

one more thing, if you do any type of punching motion with free weights, in order to speed up your hands, STOP.  It will in fact slow you down, because at the end of the weighted punch you have to decelerate the weight, and this will cause you to slow down you\'re hand speed.  Machines are a better choice as you don\'t have to decelerate the weight.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2003, 07:04:18 PM by theomen »

Offline Lord Nicon
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« Reply #14 on: August 27, 2003, 07:05:56 PM »
Allways count on the "buff member" to set you straight.
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
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