Originally posted by ooseven
This line
"Iraq has WMD"
And? We are still searching and many reports have shown that yes, Iraq DOES have WMD. It will take time to look for them. Sure, even if we do find them, it would be questionable that would EVER please the anti-war crowd (I\'m guessing...never)...but this can\'t be counted out as a lie by the anti-war people yet.
and this
"The National health is save in our hands"
Depends on what he means by this. If he means keeping the current socialized medicare, which is a terrible system IMO...and he decided to change this, then yes, he did "lie". But that is stretching it because this statement is too damn general to come up heads or tales what he means. Sounds like typical political speak.
and this
"Crime is falling"
Well, yup, this is a lie espeically if crime IS rising. But again, more political speak which...most/all politicians (unforetunetly) are guilty of.
and this one
"the Millenium Dome will only cost 200 Million"
Wow. Sounds just like our politicians. Project supposed to cost 1 billion, in reality, cost 5 billion. Lie? Yup. But a lie that is ALL too common? Yes.
And this line
"Asylum is under control"
Ahhhhh...the immigration issue. Well, I agree that from what I hear about the immigration issue (specifically, the asylum issue on the other side of the pond) this is a problem...that is NOT under control. So here, I agree with you is a lie.
The problem is though, you just described 80-90% of the politicians. Unless we have some sort of revolution that truely shakes up the system, Campbell is not alone in his "lies".