Originally posted by THX
I love it... with those specs it would EASILY crush a Modena. And it would pass a Maranello with no problem. Performance isn\'t the issue.. it\'s whether you prefer German engineering or Italian.
You would be wrong my friend but to each his own. Not only that but the engineering on both the modena and maranello are at least eaqual for their ages. Neither uses more than a 5.8L with 600Bhp to reach the speeds they reach as fast as they reach them which the last time i checked were under 3 or maybe slightly over 4. And youre totally neglecting the other points i made up (while poking fun, they still are valid). Id much rather enjoy driving a manual with a strong chassis where the enjoyment is obviously more enjoyable for a large portion of car enthusiasts.
Im not saying this car sux, but what its offering and for the price, id much rather get something else and more (not to mention with a prettier face IMO). And i love both german and italian engineering but i also much prefer BMW over any Mercedes.
But like I said, to each his own.