Well, the computer I was using to type up this thread on stopped working (not my fault this time). The power just wouldn\'t go on. So I basically just stopped worrying about it. Someone did bring it up today, however, that I hadn\'t been on AIM for a while. I explained why, and they told me how to do it...and I feel incredibly stupid for not doing it before (by it I mean reading "Getting Started:Microsoft Windows 98") I ended up just re-installing Windows 98. :\\ Live and learn.
Some things were messed up in the process, however.
When the power stopped working in my family\'s second computer, my dad took the power source out of mine, and tried it in the other. Well...now that mine\'s up and running, the sound doesn\'t work, so he may not have connected something right.
Another problem I have, is it says I only have 1.96 GB of hard drive. Now, I know it\'s an old computer...but I had somewhere around 12 the last time I checked. Anyone know what\'s up? I ran fdisk, as one of those sites said, maybe that did it, but is there any way to fix it?
Thanks for the help guys, and thanks for the birthday wishes Kurt:)