I’m sorry some of you need to try out the high-end CAD CRT monitors, and then tell me LCD is better. So far any of the monitors you guys have listed are not high-end. Also those that say that sony monitor’s rule, are getting ripped off. Sony charges a premium for any monitor under there brand name. Many 3rd party CRT manufactures use the Trinitron tube for there product. Don’t forget there is also Diamitron (NEC, and Samsung 19ch 900NF use this tech) which is an advent of the Trinitron tube, personally I find that diamitron does a overall better job than the Trinitron tube, as it gives a smoother look.
While LCD is gaining market share, as well as improving its technology, it’s still is not up to par with my Samsung 900NF 19inch.
One area LCD\'s do excel in, that beats CRT’s is the geometry.
In regards to dead pixels, LCD manufactures bare no liability to lcd\'s that are shipped out with 1-3 dead pixels. This is a grey area, a hush, hush sort of thing that LCD manufactures do not like to talk about. Out of the production yield, 10-20% of the LCD’s shipped have dead pixels.