Originally posted by kopking
what about if someone went back in time, and started ww2
I hope U wont feel insulted of my respons, that is really not the idea.
When U say someone goes back in time, what does that mean?
Do you mean that the person gets younger and younger=going back in time
Or do you mean that you put your self outside the universe and then turn back universe itself and then put your self back in the universe? If that id the case, I belive we need to change the question to the question about how to put your self outside universe, after that we continiue with the original question.
It is easy to say that someone goes back in time and start WWII, but its not easy to understand what the question really means.
when we talk about going back in time and the paradoxes that appears we talk about solving the paradox, but I belive the actually paradox appears earlier. We just say go back in time and then a paradox appears. But how do we know that there isnt a paradox inside the statement "go back in time" I belive there is a paradox there. (read my first post)
So before we can talk about your question, I belive we have to start with asking us self what does we mean with timetravel?
When we solve that paradox the otherone dissapears.