Grrr, I came in too late. Most of what I wanted to say has already been said.
But yeah, I also believe time does not exist (or rather, there is no past and no future - only now). The past is all in our minds, and the future is just a concept of what will happen.
For the sake of argument, let\'s say it\'s possible for me to go back in time - to 1 year ago. Either:
1) I would be one year younger, or
2) I would be the same age as \'now\', just \'put\' in the world 1 year ago
Wouldn\'t it be impossible for information to travel back in time? I.e. when arriving I wouldn\'t know it\'s the \'past\' and I wouldn\'t know how I got there, or why. It would just be \'now\' and whatever goal I had in mind before I left, would be forgotten. But of course, all this assumes it is even possible to travel back in time. It\'s truely a can of worms.