Here\'s a story that happened about three weeks ago...
It was a typical Monday morning, I woke up, and got ready for school... However a huge hunger strike came over me, and I ran to the kitchen and ate about five or six chocolate donuts and washed it all down with a huge glass of milk. Feeling satisfied, I skipped out the door to my car and headed off to school.
I was sitting in first period, and the teacher was just talking casually about the day\'s lesson and then I felt a small bulge in my gut. I had to take a slight dump, but I would never do such a thing at my own high school, so I tightened my gut muscles and figured I\'d just hold it in till I got home that day. However it gradually kept coming back, stronger and stronger. The entire room was quiet listening to the teacher, and I was like squirming about in my chair trying to get my buttocks muscles to seal my butthole as well as possible...
I was getting worried... How in the world would I be able to stand up? It got so bad I was about half an inch above my chair tightening every muscle in my body to not explode in my pants. Thank heavens, amidst all these huge urges to crap all over myself, there were minute breaks where there\'d be no feeling. So the second I felt a break coming on, I asked the teacher casually and nonchalantly if I could go to the bathroom. So I\'m standing at her desk, everyone is working, and I\'m praying to God that it all doesn\'t rush back, or else I\'ll crap all over the floor.
After what felt like forever, she handed me the note and I just strode out the room like it was just a normal piss. Once I got in the hall, it came back! I literally walked to the bathroom in little shuffles holding my butt cheeks together so hard my face turned red. Luckily no one saw my venture to the boys\' room.
Even more luckily, NO ONE WAS IN THE BATHROOM! I sprang on a toilet seat, dropped my pantaloons, and let the 4th of July begin. I had to flush about 5 times just because I was literally raising the sea level inside the toilet. And the loudest most digusting noises emerged from my butt, and not one person came in, and I just kept thanking God. After the fireworks were over, I felt about 100 pounds lighter, and washed my hands, and skipped back to class.
Man I rule.