Man I didn\'t wanna get indepth, but the ol\' intuition is gnawin\' at me....
Originally posted by Spudz
God isnt real, Jesus isnt real, nothing like that is real. It was created as some story to make children behave, and people to follow order and classification. It was made so it seems like someone else is in a higher power, so we arent in total control of our lives.
There\'s plenty of historical evidence (documentions, artifacts, etc.) which proove Jesus
DID exist. If you think about it Jesus wasn\'t here that long ago, 2000 years, it\'s wasn\'t exactly the stone age. There\'s plenty of paintings and murals buddy, I don\'t know where you have been, maybe information doesn\'t reach that far up North?
Originally posted by Spudz
I believe in science, the theory of evolution is actually considered almost a law now a days. If you think about it; do you think some guy is sitting in a toga in the clouds, zapping people, and creating lifeforms?
A law only according to those who believe in it. And if that is you\'re depiction of God, then you know a lot less than I originally had thought. alliswell hit it on the head, "turn off the cartoons."
Originally posted by Spudz
I mean, honestly; how can some guy seperate a body of water? Walk across water? Come back to life? All the things in the bible have never happened before. If "god" is so real, why doesnt he prove it? He has the power you say, why doesnt he enforce; Jesus said that God was real, they didnt believe him and were punished. Well why doesnt he do the same? And dont say some bullshit like "He doesnt want to\'\'.
Jesus, son of God, could do anything God wanted him to do. If you have a part of God with you, why wouldn\'t you be able to part water, heal the sick, and be resurrected? God is a supreme being, he can do whatever he wants, it\'s not a difficult concept. Oh and why should he have to prove to a faithless world that he exists? That defeats the whole purpose of faith buddy. It\'s like, "Hey, look at me, I\'m God! See I\'m here, so if you didn\'t believe before, now you should!". He gives us the choice to reject or accept him. Seriously, it\'s so simple.
Originally posted by Spudz
You think that with the complexity of lifeforms on earth that some guy just made it in a poof?
He\'s God! What are you so confused about?!?! He has the ability to do
anything.. Oh and it wasn\'t one poof, it was seven days. And the complexity is from your perspective, not God\'s.
Originally posted by Spudz
What about adam and eve. if their were 2 people on the earth, every single one of us would have so many unnatural deformities from inbreeding it wouldnt be funny. When siblings produce children again and again, they become deformed.
You\'ve got to be kidding me. Are you serious? After even a short period of time the bloodlines stretch out so far that it\'s hardly inbreeding anymore. It\'s a giant pyramid scheme in which with each generation is gets further and further apart... Don\'t forget when God flooded the world and basically started on a clean slate (with the exception of Noah).
Originally posted by Spudz
And for all I care, you can think less or more of what I think. I just think about the truth. I dont care if you believe in God, because thats what its meant for; to be oblivious to the truth, but dont shove it down my throat.
You wouldn\'t know truth if it slapped you in your face. Exactly tell me how your beliefs are more of a "truth" than mine?
Point is, you can\'t. As I can\'t disprove yours. I have my faith, and that\'s all I need.