People should sex, and sex all the time. again and again.
Why all the time? Sex is overrated. People need more self control. There is more to life than just sex. Judging from this statement, you\'re not getting sexed enough (or at all) are you?


Its really impossible to discuss something as complex as religion by using an internet message board, if not impossible. I never was a good essay writer and putting my thoughts and beliefs into words has never been a strong point of mine
Shouldn\'t you develop that skill in case you need to argue a point later in life? Maybe for a philosophy or anthropology class? I\'d figure that having something written down would make it clearer and allow for less interruptions from the opposing view.

It\'s a good skill to have, you know.

Well see thats what got humans in trouble in the first place,
they didnt want to do what God said, they wanted to fulfill fleshly desires.
I think God is playing one huge Sim game with humans. If he created humans to be perfect than that wouldn\'t be much fun. We are his hobby.
Starting with Eve who defied God in eating the fruit of the tree that God forbid them to,
Are you blaming womenkind for this belief that man is sinful? Eve wasn\'t the only one bit into the apple. (choose your words wisely, bucko)
Where was god on September 11, 2001?
The real question is...where was the emergency broadcast system? O_o
If anything, AIDs is such a large problem because we live in a capitlist world...
How did the topic of AIDS get into this discussion? O_o