I mean you are trying to change what I believe over the internet?
I swear Spudz you are an idiot. You are the FASTEST one here to slam our beliefs. We are not shoving ANYTHING down your throat, we are simply answering your simple minded questions.
I belive their was some guy named Jesus who made a story up, to make everyone believe their was a higher power. This story was rejected by many, hence his death.

You answered your own question:
What makes you any smarter than me?
All religion is is a big excuse for something of a higher power. We human beings are ignorant. Years ago, we didnt believe in evolution at all, now with technological breakthroughs and everything else we are now beginning to realise the posibility of it.
Honestly, I bet you know nothing about these "technological breakthroughs." Going to Google and c/ping don\'t count buddy.
What about the parts that created the scientific form of earth?
What about them? We have already stated that God is the almighty, he can do anything he wants.. He is God. If that sounds stupid to you, then what do you think? What are YOUR views?
Honestly; I dont think the world will ever know weither God is real, or not. But I choose to follow the path that I believe is correct.
That\'s fine with me. I follow mine, you follow yours.
Even if he was real, and it was known; why waste your time? Its your life, live it to your standards.
Waste my time? How am I "wasting" my time. Please give me examples.
My standards? Where do our standards come from? Are they self-evident? I don\'t think so. If every single person in this world had their own standards, it would be chaos. There are rules/laws for a reason.
BTW: Answer me this all pro-religion people here; Where is God from? He cant just have been their for eternity, it makes no sense.
God is the beginning and the end. Simple.
flame off....
/me heads over to the other Spudz thread that doesn\'t give me a headache