I\'ll put this in jest.
Women are worthless creatures. Who do nothing but use their vagina to manulipate the male gender.
Thank you.
I was hopin\' that I was not in the minority on this one, but I guess I am.
Have you all never noticed the women have a zillion male friends? And when they dump you, often within one week they are out with one of them? That\'s because women always have the \'back-up f**k\'. They make male friends ahead of time, that way when they dump you, they can go suck some other dude off. Qud , I would bet the same just happened to you.
And this whole nonsense that women are the better parents. Give me a break. A man can be just as good a parent as the mother.
I still say women was better when they was un-opinionated, stayed at home and done nothing, \'cept cook, clean and put out. Now\'a\'days, they have opinions, voice them all to often, gain weight once you marry them, take half of your stuff.