Come on. Can anyone not agree that women are use men and take almost everything? They have one sole purpose, to have babies. And then, after that, take half of what you own - and make you pay and beg to see your own frickin\' kid.
It use to be a man\'s world, now\'a\'days, everything sways for the woman. Laws are set up to protect women to the most obsene amount. Why should a man have to a pay a woman, after he divorces her? Come on ! I can understand child support, but alimony is bullshit. And why is it , ninety percent of the time, the woman gets the kid? It\'s more bullshit.
Why is it they make TV movie\'s of women killing their husbands - portraying them as hero\'s? F**kin\' Lifetime movie channel. F**k women\'s liberation. F**k their rights. F**k the cross-genderism, they have started. A man no longer knows his place and the home and the woman doesn\'t know her\'s.