A couple of days back I had read a review of it by accident because a jack ass friend tried to ruin it for me. But, it was still unexpected.
Best Movie EVER!!! The ending beautiful. It picks up pretty quick and the acting is really good. Remember how we were discussing how it is all going to end? Well, all those questions are answered. EVERYSINGLE question we had: what will happen to zion? What would the humans do with the messed up world? they are all answered by the end.
sooo Here\'s most of the story
[sp] Pretty fast pick up. We do get about 5 minutes of replay, but the beginning is really good. Neo is trapped between the real world and the matrix. That place is this train station and he meets this really cool indian guy. We meet a few characters, the Train Man. This hobbo dude works for the french guy and he trasports illegally the programs from the matrix and out of the matrix. Trinity, Seriph and Morpheous go to find the french guy at this club and he wants the oracles eyes in exchange for Neo. Ohh but before that part is one of the coolest shooting scenes ever. The dude\'s walk on the ceiling, its sooo cool. But, anyways trinity gets pissed off and makes the deal her own way. Youll see what i mean. Neo is out he gets to see the oracle and the oracle answeres alot of questions we all had. [/sp]
[sp] The destruction of zion. The whole scene of the machines attacking and destroying everything is breathtaking. Agent smith takes over the oracle, you know with his stabbin of the person trick and messes up the matrix really bad. And pretty much the middle is the whole zion being torn apart thing. Morpheous and niobe are on their way to zion with the last ship and the gate woulnt open and the dude that kisses ass to neo, remember the kid he saved, opens up the door and they blow their EMP and all the squiddies die they all think its cool but a crap load more come and revive the diggin machines, who the people thought had been destroyed, the diggin machines were not only to get into zion, but to reach the level where all the people hid, remember the cave? but the machines suddenly stop.It\'s amazing.
[sp] neo goes to the machine city with trinity. His eyes were burned when he was fighting smith in the real world. remember that guy he took over. but he can see the machines like ghost or something. Newayz the city sends a full blown attack and neo blows it all up. But he starts losing control and he tells trinity to go over the sky, she does and for 10 seconds they are above the sky and the sun...yes the sun and the sky like we see it is still the same, trinity is really overtaken by the sight. Then they fall back down, and they crash.....Trinity dies. Really sad. Neo goes to see the main dude, and tells him he would destroy smith for peace, bc smith will not only destroy the matrix, but he would also destroy their city. So the main dude calls off the attack and awaits for neo to finish smith. The\'s awsome. Smith makes the matrix seem all dark and rainy, and he asks neo " do you like what i did with the place?" then they get it on, it\'s the shiznit. The fight is like nothing ive ever seen. Smith really wins the fight though. but when he ate the oracle, he got her powers too, and he saw himself winning, but he freaked out again with neo stood up for the 3rd time, and he did the takin over thing with his hand to neo. and he succeeds. smith turns neo into a smith. But then neo and the main computer of the machine city, destroy once again smith from the inside, first the one neo was turned into, then all the clones and then finally smith. and all this looked really bad ass. That fight scene is undescribable until you see it. Neo dies. the machine dude says "it is done" and leaves neo\'s body on the floor (with arms spread tot he sides, like jesus was on the cross) the machines are called off and there is peace. It ends with the architect sayin stuff like "how long do you think this peace will last" and all that good stuff. Then the sun rises. OHH but before the final scene with the architect, the matrix goes through a deja-vu and the city rebuilts itself you know, like it was before neo and smith fought. but yeah thats how it ends. I find the ending to be really fitting. It wasn\'t the humans completely takin over, but i mean like somebody once asked, what will they do if they do win earth back? But in this case there is peace and harmony between man and machine. And yet, if neo was the messiah, "jesus" then he did his job, he ended the war by giving up his own life. I think it was the best way to end this movie. DONT WORRY THIS IS JUST THE ICING, THERES ALOT MORE LEFT TO THIS CAKE!![/sp]