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Author Topic: Matrix Revolutions  (Read 14440 times)

Offline Ryu
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Matrix Revolutions
« Reply #150 on: November 08, 2003, 01:40:16 PM »
If you have noticed I have never tried to explain the plot in either of my posts,I am trying to let people try to dive more into the movie

So your link actually doesnt proove anything different than what I already believed about the film

My link wasn\'t meant to prove anything.  You see, the problem with your posts about this film is you start off by saying those who do not like it do not understand it when understanding, simply put, is not a prerequisite for approval.  I understand why certain cultures cut the clitoris off of females, but I certainly don\'t like or agree with it.  According to your statements though, because I understand it, I should love it.  This is what makes absolutely no sense.

Secondly, you\'re right, you never posted your interpretation, but since mm posted his, you basically told him outright that he didn\'t understand the film when in fact, he did understand, just from his own point of view.  He saw parallels, which are obvious to me, but not to yourself, and made an inference to its meaning.  He did basically what you did the entire way through, only he thought differently which is what people in different cultures with different points of view tend to do.  But for some odd reason, you refused to accept that interepretation.

It\'s the same as with my link to all the philosophical essays that I posted which are available on the official site I might add.  It has nothing to do with proving that you\'re wrong, but it has everything to do with saying that your viewpoint isn\'t the only correct one.  There are thousands of philosophers all over the globe who are, right now, in a heated debate discussing the topics and ideas of these movies drawing conclusions and making whole new philosophical theories, but none of them are right and none of them are wrong.  It\'s a matter of accepting the views of others and coming up with your own ideas and that\'s the whole purpose of the discussion.  You don\'t understand this because all you do is claim everyone is an idiot who doesn\'t like it and everyone who doesn\'t like it, doesn\'t understand it.
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Offline Unicron!
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« Reply #151 on: November 08, 2003, 02:00:43 PM »
My link wasn\'t meant to prove anything. You see, the problem with your posts about this film is you start off by saying those who do not like it do not understand it when understanding, simply put, is not a prerequisite for approval. I understand why certain cultures cut the clitoris off of females, but I certainly don\'t like or agree with it. According to your statements though, because I understand it, I should love it. This is what makes absolutely no sense.

Look.When someone says he didnt like it I dont care.When someone sais its a failure, its shit, its pointless then its like telling to people that liked it "Hey what you like is shit, its bullshit, its crap".
Yeah probably though I got a bit carried away with my own point of view.

Secondly, you\'re right, you never posted your interpretation, but since mm posted his, you basically told him outright that he didn\'t understand the film when in fact, he did understand, just from his own point of view. He saw parallels, which are obvious to me, but not to yourself, and made an inference to its meaning. He did basically what you did the entire way through, only he thought differently which is what people in different cultures with different points of view tend to do. But for some odd reason, you refused to accept that interepretation.

what plot?

if i see one more ignoramus link neo to jesus, im gonna vomit

Does this sound like his own interpretation?
It\'s the same as with my link to all the philosophical essays that I posted which are available on the official site I might add. It has nothing to do with proving that you\'re wrong, but it has everything to do with saying that your viewpoint isn\'t the only correct one. There are thousands of philosophers all over the globe who are, right now, in a heated debate discussing the topics and ideas of these movies drawing conclusions and making whole new philosophical theories, but none of them are right and none of them are wrong. It\'s a matter of accepting the views of others and coming up with your own ideas and that\'s the whole purpose of the discussion. You don\'t understand this because all you do is claim everyone is an idiot who doesn\'t like it and everyone who doesn\'t like it, doesn\'t understand it.

Yeah but I mean thats what I want to see from people.I want to hear their own point of view on the plot even if its not the same as mine.When someone sais the film is shit(especially when he cant tell me why) without even trying to get anything from the film is different from poeple that have seen the film didnt undresntand anything and just say they didnt like it.
mm is trying to persuade that the film is shit more than I am trying to proove him it is great.And he is trying to persuade everyone.
Atleast I gave this disagreeing attitude towrds him becuase of his persuasive attitude towards everyone that liked the film.I didnt disagree with anyone else except from you and him although some other members of this forum didnt like the film
« Last Edit: November 08, 2003, 02:02:05 PM by Unicron! »

Offline SirMystiq

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Matrix Revolutions
« Reply #152 on: November 08, 2003, 02:12:28 PM »
Hmm, I wish the W bro\'s would come out and tell us already what they thought their end should of meant to us.

MM just because it\'s not a bunch of gansters shooting up shit while having some family problems doesn\'t mean it sucks. By the way The GF 1 was the only good GF movie...
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

Offline Ryu
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Matrix Revolutions
« Reply #153 on: November 08, 2003, 02:13:29 PM »
But you generalized us both in the same category simply because both he and I didn\'t like the film.  What you fail to understand is that he and I share the same opinion on the movie, but for reasons both similar and different.  I say that the trilogy has a fundemental problem, but it has nothing to do with it\'s philosophy, but everything to do with it being an actual film.  If you had read and understood that before jumping into your own self riteous views about being wrong or right, you would have been a little bit quicker to rethink what you\'re saying.  Instead, you did what you did.

I didn\'t like the fact that the villain in the movie was the only interesting character and the the heroes of the film were all dead inside and incapable of showing any emotion whatsoever.  A movie needs to create a bond between the main characters and the audience in some way, but this movie failed miserably at doing that and for that, I don\'t feel the movie was well done.  I gave my reasons, I spoke my mind, but you wrote me off as someone who didn\'t understand and for that, this whole discussion started.  I understand perfectly fine, but I don\'t care for it either way.  That\'s what you failed to understand from my first post.

Oh, and one other thing...

When someone sais its a failure, its shit, its pointless then its like telling to people that liked it "Hey what you like is shit, its bullshit, its crap".

That\'s right, it is, but that\'s the whole point of having an opinion in the first place and with posting on a public message board, it should be something to be expected and it should also be accepted as being someone else\'s opinion.  You can disagree, but that\'s about the extent of it and it\'s a big "tough break" statement after that.
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Matrix Revolutions
« Reply #154 on: November 08, 2003, 02:26:33 PM »
Ohh, and before I start anything, I was just playin about the GF I liked them all except the last one...

Well, I guess it depends on what your taste in acting is, I liked the acting in the Matrix not because im a big fan, but because to me it fit the setting of the movie and the things the characters have gone through, the way I see it, trinity and neo only showed "loved" toward each other, but after that they seemed pretty serious and focused, probably because of everything they have learned and stuff. Some of the other characters like the one neo saved, that little kid remember, he seemed to be kind of inexperienced and he had that "what?" personality. The french guy was one of my fav. characters!!

"Lipstick..what lipstick" <
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

Offline Unicron!
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Matrix Revolutions
« Reply #155 on: November 08, 2003, 02:28:33 PM »
Ok.My mistake that I approached you almost the same way as I did him


That\'s right, it is, but that\'s the whole point of having an opinion in the first place and with posting on a public message board, it should be something to be expected and it should also be accepted as being someone else\'s opinion. You can disagree, but that\'s about the extent of it and it\'s a big "tough break" statement after that.

I dont mind when someone posts the opposite opinoin than mine.But atleast they shouldnt post adjectives that show disrespect towards someone\'s preference as a fact especially when he/she cant tell exactly why he/she believes that.

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Matrix Revolutions
« Reply #156 on: November 08, 2003, 03:10:31 PM »
I saw it today - crap to be honest (IMO)

The watchoski(sp?) brothers got far to far into the story line - the second movie was pointless and only made so they could call it a trilogy - they could have compressed it into the \'3rd movie\' in 10 minutes.
The ending coudn\'t go any other way obviously but it still could have been much better.
Its sad really, now in the future when someone says "Remember the Matrix? that film was sooooo good and thought provoking" and the reply will be "yeh, but the sequels sucked" =[
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Matrix Revolutions
« Reply #157 on: November 08, 2003, 07:29:37 PM »
I thought it was great I watched it last night and yes I think it was one of the greatest movie trilogies of all time... That was for you MM since you think that your opion is the only one that counts or that since the movie critics say it stinks then that means it stinks you do realize that a person is allowed to base a statement that doesnt give anything thats nothing more than subjective on an opinion correct?  What a bunch of looser arguring like this over ones opionion... Jesus crist it like 7th grade all over again

I started to read this thread and was exited to be a part of it and then the children decided to come out and fuk it all up. What a bunch of Morons!
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Matrix Revolutions
« Reply #158 on: November 08, 2003, 09:10:21 PM »
Its useless my friend. Seriously. I know that may not stop you but all you people in here are very easily shaken when somebody opposes your opinions. Yes i think Uni was right in terms of how frequently people seem to disrespect others and or give no credit to the persons opinion. But like i was once told, Its useless.
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
I don\'t have comprehension issues, you just need to learn how to communicate.
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Offline Ginko
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Matrix Revolutions
« Reply #159 on: November 08, 2003, 11:55:03 PM »
Originally posted by QuDDus
Seen it once going to see it again today. I thought it was ok. I thought the ending could have much better.  I am still trying to figure out what the oracles entire purpose was in the movie.

"You are playing a very dangerous game."

If you go back through the trilogy I think it\'s safe to say she orchestrated the entire chain of events but to what end I\'m not sure.  

"what of those who want to be freed?" (something like that)

She asked the question out of concern so I\'m guessing it\'s the future of both man and machine.  Remember in Reloaded when she said her concern is the future...they both need each other to survive and a truce was the effect of actions she set up.  

Yes, I remember when the Architect said they are willing to resort to other means of survival...the Oracle basically said the man is full of shit in Revolutions.

I think I just answered my question...
« Last Edit: November 08, 2003, 11:58:58 PM by Ginko »

Offline Unicron!
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« Reply #160 on: November 09, 2003, 02:01:21 AM »
Originally posted by Ginko

"what of those who want to be freed?" (something like that)

She asked the question out of concern so I\'m guessing it\'s the future of both man and machine.  Remember in Reloaded when she said her concern is the future...they both need each other to survive and a truce was the effect of actions she set up.  

Yes, I remember when the Architect said they are willing to resort to other means of survival...the Oracle basically said the man is full of shit in Revolutions.

I think I just answered my question...

Here is my opinion on that part

I think the part where she said ""what of those who want to be freed?" has to do a lot with the consiousness of people.It has to do with Cypher and Seraph.
Some people that were "freed" felt less freedom after their release from the Matrix.The Matrix and the Real world doesnt differ.In both worlds life is realised the same way.Its information that are collected in your brain.Cypher for instance regreted for taking the red pill.And he also tried to explain in the first Matrix his belief but he couldnt.He said something like(cant remember exactly) "No Trinity the Matrix can be more real than the real world...." but then he was interrupted.
Thats what Seraph also wanted to see when he wanted to fight with Neo or Ghost and Niobe(In the game).To see how much resolved they were to fight for the "real" world and for what they believed in.Otherwise it indicated that they were people that wanted to live in the Matrix.Just like Cypher.He wanted control of his life.
What happens in the end IMO is a balance of these people.The ones that wanted out of the Matrix and the others that wanted in the Matrix.(The machines get their energy and humans their freedom either outside or inside the matrix)
« Last Edit: November 09, 2003, 02:12:21 AM by Unicron! »

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Matrix Revolutions
« Reply #161 on: November 09, 2003, 06:42:58 AM »
I personally enjoyed it very much. Putting story and flaws aside I\'ll merely say that it was just good old fashioned entertainment (and that\'s all I was looking for, not an oscar worthy movie). In terms of it\'s status as a trilogy, i would say that yes the 2nd one was the weakest but entirely necessary. I feel that crunching 2 and 3 into one big movie would have resulted in the loose ends and lack of explanation reminiscent of Dune (the old 1980\'s one). In the case of the Matrix, the W bros. gave the story ample time to unfold. I also think they did a nice job of bringing closure but with some uncertainty (ie. "every thing that has a beginning has an end" which could be related to the peace agreement).

Offline Ginko
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« Reply #162 on: November 09, 2003, 08:33:44 AM »
Originally posted by Unicron!

What happens in the end IMO is a balance of these people.The ones that wanted out of the Matrix and the others that wanted in the Matrix.(The machines get their energy and humans their freedom either outside or inside the matrix)

In your opinion?  I can\'t see much room for interpretation here, just those who don\'t get the whole picture.

There\'s alot to digest and I\'m guessing some people just didn\'t make all the connections.  For me, it was after watching Revolutions...then watching Reloaded again, specifically the park scene with the Oracle AND Smith.

The story is that of the fate...Neo was just a means to an end.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2003, 04:57:59 PM by Ginko »

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« Reply #163 on: November 09, 2003, 10:25:52 AM »
I thought Matrix Revolutions rocked.  And no I won\'t let 4 paragraph or 2 line posts sway my opinion. ;)

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« Reply #164 on: November 09, 2003, 10:26:31 AM »
Hi Ginko.
Who is this anamoly we call Jumpman? How is he able to do what he does and still survive after years of torment? It seems he feeds on the hate, growing with an intense passion to put unassuming members in their place.


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