Child Molesters:Man=Cut penis Woman=Stitch their pussies
Murders: Man=kill them and offer their organs to save other\'s people\'s lifes. Woman=Rape her
Rapists (Raping people 13+) :Why do I have to repeat myself?
Thiefs:If the theif stole because of need to survive just send him/her to jail.He/she will like it.Free food and home.He/she wont want to leave and wont appear in theoutside world to steal again

If not he/she wont like it.Just jail though
Murderers:Is it me or you repeated the same question

Con-Artists:Ehm ahm...cant think of anything.I ll live it to the judge

Corrupted Govt Officials:Send them in Auganistan or Iraq with no weapons or any form of self protection with the words "God Bless America" tatooed on their forheads.
Corrupted Cops:Kill them and make them Cyborgs.But this time make sure THAT THEIR MEMORY IS PERMANENTLY DELETED!!NO MORE ROBOCOPS BECOMING MURPHYS!!God!I am really bored.

Perverts (Peeping toms, etc) :Hey Spudz you ve got a problem with perv(and ME)??You ****ing racist!!

Rich People after going to trial 2nd time(OJ for example) :Take all their money away and send them to Somalia(whatever is is spelled)
Michael Jackson:He had enough punishemnt already and he is still getting more