Originally posted by GigaShadow
Hey little man, I have served my country and put my life on the line... its part of the job. Not that I don\'t feel for the families of every soldier lost, but since I have experience and have served my country I don\'t think you have a leg to stand on. Unlike you, I am not a punk little kid who hasn\'t seen life and some of the truly horrible things people do to one another.
As I stated before Osama means nothing, do you think terrorism is magically going to stop when he is captured or killed? :rolleyes:
Also what lies are you referring to? Could it be your constant bitterness that GWB didn\'t give illegal aliens a free pass for citizenship in this country perhaps? :rolleyes:
Listen General, it\'s all good that you served this country and I guess I should thank you for it. Thank you.
But you are not out there right now, yes it\'s the soldiers job to do what they are doing, but do they have to be out there? No. I sure as hell wouln\'t want to be a family memeber of those who died, why don\'t you go ask their opinion on the subject?
I never said Osama was the key to the end. In fact, I said there wasn\'t going to be an end. Osama was the one that organized the murder and destruction of the World Trade Center, seems to me like you forgot that. It seems to me like everybody forgot that. Osama was the only true criminal against this country at the time the war began, all this people, like you said don\'t "Care" about the people of Iraq. Well let\'s see, how many times has GWB said something about the "Iraqui people can now be calm" or tried to bring in how "good" the situation for the Iraqi people is going to be? ALL THE TIME. You know why, b/c he knows if he was to express his true carelessness, as you have suggested, about this people, he would have a pole up his ass.
I don\'t know why you keep bringing that subject on, but hey yes that was a lie. The nukes were a lie. The whole threat to America by Iraq was probably a lie also.
And I like being a punk little kid. I\'ll rather be that than an old patriotic fool who can\'t see past his own nose and doesn\'t give a damn about other people, as long as his ass is alright.