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Author Topic: Saddam Captured!  (Read 4013 times)

Offline Phil
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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #75 on: December 16, 2003, 08:14:23 PM »
The American people as a whole are easily distracted and GWB did a good job at exploiting that.  I bet 95% of the people forget who Osama is or why exactly we went to war.  As long as we got them "towl heads" right?  I understand we needed to bring Saddam to justice and we did, but there are bigger problems in the world right now compared to him.  N. Korea and Osama both pose a serious threat to American security, and most everyone are completely uninformed about it.  The sad truth is, we\'d be waist deep in shit if we did something to N. Korea.  They aren\'t pushovers like Iraq.  They can retaliate and retaliate with a lot of force.  That\'s exactly why we\'re talking to them and not going to war like we did with Iraq.  GWB knows what he needs to do to stay in office and he\'s doing a damn good job at it.  Too bad that\'s not what he needs to do to be a good president.
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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #76 on: December 16, 2003, 09:51:29 PM »
Originally posted by Phil
The American people as a whole are easily distracted and GWB did a good job at exploiting that.  I bet 95% of the people forget who Osama is or why exactly we went to war.  As long as we got them "towl heads" right?  I understand we needed to bring Saddam to justice and we did, but there are bigger problems in the world right now compared to him.  N. Korea and Osama both pose a serious threat to American security, and most everyone are completely uninformed about it.  The sad truth is, we\'d be waist deep in shit if we did something to N. Korea.  They aren\'t pushovers like Iraq.  They can retaliate and retaliate with a lot of force.  That\'s exactly why we\'re talking to them and not going to war like we did with Iraq.  GWB knows what he needs to do to stay in office and he\'s doing a damn good job at it.  Too bad that\'s not what he needs to do to be a good president.

let\'s see..touched on how americans are like sheep.(check)

touched on truth about n.korea (check)

touched on who is the true enemy osama (check)

my issue about us entering iraq not touched on. but very well put :)
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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #77 on: December 16, 2003, 10:14:34 PM »
Originally posted by Skyrider666
Well I heard the U.S. has troops in South Korea keeping an eye on the whole North Korea deal.

No kidding... My dad is stationed in South Korea right now.

Offline GigaShadow
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« Reply #78 on: December 17, 2003, 05:32:34 AM »
Originally posted by SirMystiq
As long as it isn\'t you dying...right?

I really don\'t care if Saddam was captured or not. But in this case, he was so good for us. Anyways, the war is not "over". I don\'t think that because they caught Saddam all the Anti-US feelings are going to suddenly stop. And you got to remember, Osama is still missing and in reality, he is the one that commited the true horrors to this country.

Like I said, GWB is slowly but surely covering up his lies....

Hey little man, I have served my country and put my life on the line... its part of the job.  Not that I don\'t feel for the families of every soldier lost, but since I have experience and have served my country I don\'t think you have a leg to stand on.  Unlike you, I am not a punk little kid who hasn\'t seen life and some of the truly horrible things people do to one another.  

As I stated before Osama means nothing, do you think terrorism is magically going to stop when he is captured or killed?  :rolleyes:

Also what lies are you referring to?  Could it be your constant bitterness that GWB didn\'t give illegal aliens a free pass for citizenship in this country perhaps? :rolleyes:
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Offline GigaShadow
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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #79 on: December 17, 2003, 05:34:55 AM »
Originally posted by clips
let\'s see..touched on how americans are like sheep.(check)

touched on truth about n.korea (check)

touched on who is the true enemy osama (check)

my issue about us entering iraq not touched on. but very well put :)

For the love of God, stop whining about a war that has already happened.  We had this argument, um lets see last March?  Go beat your drums of appeasment somewhere else. :rolleyes:
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Offline Ashford
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« Reply #80 on: December 17, 2003, 11:30:08 AM »
There\'s no such thing as "his people"...

Iraqis are not Hussein\'s people just like Americans are not GWB\'s people...

You murder, you\'re a murderer, you should be brought to justice...

Simple, no?
July 2002: If you had bought $1000.00 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00. Enron, $16.50 left. Worldcom, $5.00 left. If you had bought $1,000.00 worth of Budweiser beer one year ago, drank it all and turned in the cans for the 10 cent deposit, you would have $214.00. Based on the above, my current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle.

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« Reply #81 on: December 17, 2003, 06:02:52 PM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow
For the love of God, stop whining about a war that has already happened.  We had this argument, um lets see last March?  Go beat your drums of appeasment somewhere else. :rolleyes:

nobody\'s whining. And if you Think the war is over just because
bush says so, you\'re more sheep than i can imagine.
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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #82 on: December 17, 2003, 06:09:08 PM »
Originally posted by Ashford
There\'s no such thing as "his people"...

Iraqis are not Hussein\'s people just like Americans are not GWB\'s people...

You murder, you\'re a murderer, you should be brought to justice...

Simple, no?

point is we didn\'t go to war to liberate the iraq people? no?

ps: giga i respect the fact that you served. not takin that away,
but you can\'t deny the facts..saddam had to be made example &
bush knew us could take \'em. not n.korea tho.
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« Reply #83 on: December 17, 2003, 07:00:13 PM »
In all reality when\'s the last time we went to war for a legitimate reason.  The fact is, we go to war because of government agenda not good will.  There is no point arguing about why we went to war because only the president and congress really know.  What they tell American citizens is not the whole truth, and sometimes not even the half truth.
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« Reply #84 on: December 17, 2003, 07:17:54 PM »
Originally posted by clips
nobody\'s whining. And if you Think the war is over just because
bush says so, you\'re more sheep than i can imagine.

I never said the war was for the liberation of the Iraqi people - I couldn\'t care less about them... ask anyone who argued this topic during the war.  I said it was about removing the threat of Saddam to the region and the US.


N Korea is another story.  Your logic makes no sense as you are gung ho on invading a country that has nuclear capabilities, yet are opposed to an invasion that prevented a certain country from obtaining that capability.

Our troops invade N. Korea - N. Korea defends itself by nuking our troops - if that ever happened you would have a good reason to cry about US casualties because the couple of hundred you see in Iraq are a drop in the bucket compared to what another Korean conflict would be.

I don\'t think there is a person on this board (Republican, Democrat or Independent) who would say North Korea is not a problem.  It is just a more complex problem than Iraq.  Why you ask?  Read the next paragraph.

The Clinton policy of APPEASEMENT did not work with N. Korea - and some of you think it "was working" with Saddam.  That is what they though about North Korea back in the \'90\'s. :rolleyes:

Appeasement does not work with dictators - it never has and it never will.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2003, 07:19:39 PM by GigaShadow »
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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #85 on: December 17, 2003, 07:33:24 PM »
Diddn\'t we have a policy of appeasement with Hitler? Oh wait yes we did.  Giga has a point.  Damnit I need to stay away from this hitler crap.
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« Reply #86 on: December 17, 2003, 07:56:06 PM »
I think sirmystiq got owned by giga

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« Reply #87 on: December 17, 2003, 08:02:19 PM »
i never said we should go guns blazin in n.korea. read i said u.s.
should not call their bluff. but bush was so vocal on someone that
MIGHT have wmd. bush was yelling at iraq..n.korea taps him on the shoulder "um yea we have weapons see? bush replies "i hear you but i can\'t see you" so by your logic you\'re saying

countries that don\'t have wmd yet. let\'s just go shut them down
quick end of strory while people with wmd lets\' just leave them alone(ps i\'m being a little sarcastic as i know it\'s a sticky situation with them having weapons.which brings me to this conclusion.

there\'s gotta be a reason why we\'re hated so much in those countries mostly muslim. maybe it\'s time u.s. actually took the time to find out why. of course i don\'t feel we need to kiss anyone\'s ass, but i feel it\'s more than we side with israel. but i also feel that i don\'t care how much hatred you have for a country,there\'s no need for suicide bombers and the like..none. now i don\'t know what the deal is with israel & palestinians, but that is uncalled for freedom fighters? i\'d have to seriously question that. or maybe it could be people just hate for whatever reason. skin color maybe? hmpf ever since 911 the arabs have taken some heat off of me, as i can now go through the nice white suburbs without being stopped:D  ok i was just joking.

any giga i respect your thoughts & leave it at that;)
« Last Edit: December 17, 2003, 08:04:30 PM by clips »
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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #88 on: December 17, 2003, 09:23:19 PM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow
Hey little man, I have served my country and put my life on the line... its part of the job.  Not that I don\'t feel for the families of every soldier lost, but since I have experience and have served my country I don\'t think you have a leg to stand on.  Unlike you, I am not a punk little kid who hasn\'t seen life and some of the truly horrible things people do to one another.  

As I stated before Osama means nothing, do you think terrorism is magically going to stop when he is captured or killed?  :rolleyes:

Also what lies are you referring to?  Could it be your constant bitterness that GWB didn\'t give illegal aliens a free pass for citizenship in this country perhaps? :rolleyes:

Listen General, it\'s all good that you served this country and I guess I should thank you for it. Thank you.

But you are not out there right now, yes it\'s the soldiers job to do what they are doing, but do they have to be out there? No. I sure as hell wouln\'t want to be a family memeber of those who died, why don\'t you go ask their opinion on the subject?

I never said Osama was the key to the end. In fact, I said there wasn\'t going to be an end. Osama was the one that organized the murder and destruction of the World Trade Center, seems to me like you forgot that. It seems to me like everybody forgot that. Osama was the only true criminal against this country at the time the war began, all this people, like you said don\'t "Care" about the people of Iraq. Well let\'s see, how many times has GWB said something about the "Iraqui people can now be calm" or tried to bring in how "good" the situation for the Iraqi people is going to be? ALL THE TIME. You know why, b/c he knows if he was to express his true carelessness, as you have suggested, about this people, he would have a pole up his ass.

I don\'t know why you keep bringing that subject on, but hey yes that was a lie. The nukes were a lie. The whole threat to America by Iraq was probably a lie also.

And I like being a punk little kid. I\'ll rather be that than an old patriotic fool who can\'t see past his own nose and doesn\'t give a damn about other people, as long as his ass is alright.
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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« Reply #89 on: December 18, 2003, 05:19:06 AM »
Originally posted by SirMystiq
Listen General, it\'s all good that you served this country and I guess I should thank you for it. Thank you.

But you are not out there right now, yes it\'s the soldiers job to do what they are doing, but do they have to be out there? No. I sure as hell wouln\'t want to be a family memeber of those who died, why don\'t you go ask their opinion on the subject?

I never said Osama was the key to the end. In fact, I said there wasn\'t going to be an end. Osama was the one that organized the murder and destruction of the World Trade Center, seems to me like you forgot that. It seems to me like everybody forgot that. Osama was the only true criminal against this country at the time the war began, all this people, like you said don\'t "Care" about the people of Iraq. Well let\'s see, how many times has GWB said something about the "Iraqui people can now be calm" or tried to bring in how "good" the situation for the Iraqi people is going to be? ALL THE TIME. You know why, b/c he knows if he was to express his true carelessness, as you have suggested, about this people, he would have a pole up his ass.

I don\'t know why you keep bringing that subject on, but hey yes that was a lie. The nukes were a lie. The whole threat to America by Iraq was probably a lie also.

And I like being a punk little kid. I\'ll rather be that than an old patriotic fool who can\'t see past his own nose and doesn\'t give a damn about other people, as long as his ass is alright.

Oh where to start?  Osama was the only true criminal against this country concerning 9/11?  I am sure you believe Osama single handedly coordinated, trained and funded the hijackers right?  I am sure he had no help from others - maybe others in a country like Iraq?  Terrorism is not ONE person.

The reason I keep bringing up the immigration issue is because you blatently stated that is why you hated him.  You are one of those people that no matter what Bush does you will find a reason to hate him and his policies.   :rolleyes:

First of all you couldn\'t have a family member in the Armed Forces due to their citizenship status and secondly, most families support their sons and daughters choice to serve this country.  Have we heard any families of those KIA blaming our government?  NO.  This is something you will never understand Mystiq - its called self sacrifice.  

The only "lie" I remember is the report about Iraqi agents trying to obtain uranium... that was the CIA, not Bush.

Lastly, even though you are a wussy little punk... you are right, I only care about this country, its people and its safety.  Including yours.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2003, 09:32:12 AM by GigaShadow »
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