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Author Topic: Saddam Captured!  (Read 4011 times)

Offline square_marker
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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #90 on: December 18, 2003, 11:39:22 AM »
Originally posted by Phil
The sad truth is, we\'d be waist deep in shit if we did something to N. Korea.  They aren\'t pushovers like Iraq.  They can retaliate and retaliate with a lot of force.  

If we went to war, and it is a bluff, N. Korea will be pushovers.  The problem is, there is no reason to go to work with North Korea.  Yes they may have WMD but so do we.  In fact we have more than any other nation.  So if we go with the logic with did with Iraq, should the entire world attack us?  Here\'s an idea Bush, stop putting you nose in places it doesn\'t belong and fix the issues at home first.  Stop being a parent to the rest of the world.  Now with that said, if there were to be a war, enlist me right away baby... SEMPER FI

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Offline Halberto
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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #91 on: December 18, 2003, 05:28:15 PM »
Originally posted by ooseven
looks like the Iranians have already put a charge against him for the use of chemical wepaons during the Iran/Iraq war…

:laughing: Ol “sold is soul to satin” Donald Rumsfeld must be craping his pants:laughing:

Let him hang like saddam i say :D



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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #92 on: December 18, 2003, 05:28:48 PM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow
Oh where to start?  Osama was the only true criminal against this country concerning 9/11?  I am sure you believe Osama single handedly coordinated, trained and funded the hijackers right?  I am sure he had no help from others - maybe others in a country like Iraq?  Terrorism is not ONE person.

The reason I keep bringing up the immigration issue is because you blatently stated that is why you hated him.  You are one of those people that no matter what Bush does you will find a reason to hate him and his policies.   :rolleyes:

First of all you couldn\'t have a family member in the Armed Forces due to their citizenship status and secondly, most families support their sons and daughters choice to serve this country.  Have we heard any families of those KIA blaming our government?  NO.  This is something you will never understand Mystiq - its called self sacrifice.  

The only "lie" I remember is the report about Iraqi agents trying to obtain uranium... that was the CIA, not Bush.

Lastly, even though you are a wussy little punk... you are right, I only care about this country, its people and its safety.  Including yours.

Why are you taking everything so literal? Osama planned the attacks, he probably funded them, and he is the one that basically got it all together, isn\'t that what GWB and his Government said?

Your grip on this whole subject has been about immigration. Did I say I hated GWB b/c he didn\'t do what he said? Probably, but I didn\'t like him to begin with, he\'s a Republican. Second, my uncle just joined the navy and my two older cousins are in the Army Reserve.

You know what lies I mean. Everybody does...GWB says "Hussain has WMD"..."it is for the safety of out people"...then he pays a "surprise" visit to Iraq...Maybe he didn\'t want his plane to get shot down? Yeah, that\'s how safe it is.

Well it sucks that you feel that way. Sooner or later your country is going to be the one that needs the help...we\'ll see how many people turn their heads and only worry about "their safety"
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

Offline GigaShadow
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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #93 on: December 18, 2003, 07:30:29 PM »
Originally posted by SirMystiq
. Second, my uncle just joined the navy and my two older cousins are in the Army Reserve.

You know what lies I mean. Everybody does...GWB says "Hussain has WMD"..."it is for the safety of out people"...then he pays a "surprise" visit to Iraq...Maybe he didn\'t want his plane to get shot down? Yeah, that\'s how safe it is.

Well it sucks that you feel that way. Sooner or later your country is going to be the one that needs the help...we\'ll see how many people turn their heads and only worry about "their safety"

Mexico has a navy!?!?!?!?!?  

Anyway why the hell would the President of the United States announce his travel plans to a war zone?  You are an idiot my friend.

What is this "your" country nonsense?  Are you not an American citizen?
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Offline SirMystiq

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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #94 on: December 19, 2003, 05:18:11 PM »
Yes...I meant my uncle in Mexico...you caught me :sarcasm:

When I heard about it on TV, they never mentioned that it was a "surprise" because of the danger. I knew it was, but I found it funny how they made it seems like Bush really was going to "surprise" them.

When I said "yours" I was talking in general. Any country with people with ideas of "me first, you later" will have some kind of conflict and then they\'ll need somebody\'s help. Yup, Born here in US soil!!

Anyways, So it\'s all good. Im kind of in a good mood right now so I can clearly see what you are talking about. Yes, Saddamn was a threat. Yes, it\'s all gravy he was caught. Yes, Im happy now. But, GWB shouln\'t make it seem as if he was the key to the war on terror...b/c he wasn\'t.

Merry Christmas/Hannukah/Pagan holiday...
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.


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