Originally posted by Phil
hence I said a stretch.....but saddam did infact step on a few toes during his reign.....
i agree & i also was for the 1st gulf war..he was involved in some serious aggression..no doubt he had to be dealt with.
like i stated in an earlier post, i actually like some of bush\'s plans for the country domestically,.but his foreign policies has some serious issues.
up until the iraq war bush acted incredibly arrogant! he stated iraq was an immediate threat, when they was not. you can tell he was going to go to war whether the american people liked it or not.
and what was with all the hatin on the french? just because a country doesn\'t agree with our ideals or motives makes them enemy #1? the only thing france russia and china stated was just let the inspectors do their thing. hell new york city went as far as to have all the license plates with the statue of liberty on them obsolete, and if you kept it on your car over a certain date you would be fined heavily..pathetic.
this may sound corny but the pres needs to read a simple statement from the 1st spider man comic. "with great power comes great responsibility" i support what\'s goin on in afgahnastan (spelling) but if your gonna put troops in harms way,it better be for a good cause & your info on the enemy better be true..not well we thought he had this & that or that you had bad intelligence.
bfore the war started they had this army gen.(don\'t remember his name) talkin about yea we expect to take on this many casualties but it will be extremely low. don\'t get me wrong i know the guys in the military know the risks but when people talk like that it\'s just like they\'re sayin it\'s ok they\'re dispensible. these are american lives not a chess game. k i ranted enough.