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Author Topic: Saddam Captured!  (Read 4015 times)

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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #60 on: December 15, 2003, 06:26:40 PM »
actually saddam can really have a decent defense if taken to trial

to this day..no wmd..the reason u.s. went to war...not to liberate iraq..

as far as charging him for crimes to his people..it\'s states it right there HIS PEOPLE..not saying it\'s right what he did, but in some countries they\'ll cut your hand for stealing. This sort of thing is not unheard of. It was the way of his gov\'t that\'s all ..was it right? of course not but if that\'s the case the us should liberating the whole world.

i think people should really sit back & reflect on why we really went to war...somebody had to be made an example after 911

i was against the war & gettin saddam was good..only because i\'m hoping it will stop the suicide attacks. but after all is said & done imo i feel saddam could actually get off if his case is given perfectly. the u.s. entered iraq under false pretenses & if there are no wmd ..they might be able to flip it around & charge the u.s.

i say all this to say that yes in general saddam treated his people badly, i just felt there was no need for war in the first place. sanctions kept saddam in check.
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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #61 on: December 15, 2003, 06:40:43 PM »
Well Clips in that logic, Hitler and his nazi friends couldn\'t have been tried for what they did to the jewish people because they were Hitler\'s people.  I know it\'s a bit of a stretch but you see my point.  Just because he ruled does not give him the right to be inhumane.

Edit: yes i know it\'s hypocritical because the US allows other countries in the past and present do these things (and sometimes support them), but it is a legitamate reason.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2003, 06:41:51 PM by Phil »
Wrong. There are two other people who can.
Dark Lord Sith\'s.
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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #62 on: December 15, 2003, 06:51:24 PM »
Actualy Hitler invaded many countries, and also killed their people.

For example, Poland...
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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #63 on: December 15, 2003, 06:59:46 PM »
hitler went through alittle more then he\'s own country. Then he decided to step on the toes of what he wanted to be the most..
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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #64 on: December 15, 2003, 07:05:44 PM »
hence I said a stretch.....but saddam did infact step on a few toes during his reign.....
Wrong. There are two other people who can.
Dark Lord Sith\'s.
Demon\'s named Phil.  -LIC

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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #65 on: December 15, 2003, 09:54:21 PM »
Originally posted by Phil
hence I said a stretch.....but saddam did infact step on a few toes during his reign.....

i agree & i also was for the 1st gulf war..he was involved in some serious aggression..no doubt he had to be dealt with.

like i stated in an earlier post, i actually like some of bush\'s plans for the country domestically,.but his foreign policies has some serious issues.

up until the iraq war bush acted incredibly arrogant! he stated iraq was an immediate threat, when they was not. you can tell he was going to go to war whether the american people liked it or not.

and what was with all the hatin on the french? just because a country doesn\'t agree with our ideals or motives makes them enemy #1? the only thing france russia and china stated was just let the inspectors do their thing. hell new york city went as far as to have all the license plates with the statue of liberty on them obsolete, and if you kept it on your car over a certain date you would be fined heavily..pathetic.

this may sound corny but the pres needs to read a simple statement from the 1st spider man comic. "with great power comes great responsibility" i support what\'s goin on in afgahnastan (spelling) but if your gonna put troops in harms way,it better be for a good cause & your info on the enemy better be true..not well we thought he had this & that or that you had bad intelligence.

bfore the war started they had this army gen.(don\'t remember his name) talkin about yea we expect to take on this many casualties but it will be extremely low. don\'t get me wrong i know the guys in the military know the risks but when people talk like that it\'s just like they\'re sayin it\'s ok they\'re dispensible. these are american lives not a chess game. k i ranted enough.
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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #66 on: December 16, 2003, 07:39:36 AM »
I can\'t believe some of you *ahem* clips still defend this guy.  Clips you are wrong plain and simple.  Saddam was kept in check?  You must be joking...

As far as the whole argument about American soldiers losing their lives... yes it is unfortunate that we take casualties, but its reality and it is those people who can\'t stomach even one American death that will be the downfall of this country.  Our enemies know the American public is weak when it comes to US troop casualties and is eager to exploit it.
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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #67 on: December 16, 2003, 07:59:42 AM »
Simple fact is that Americans seem to be a shitload jumpier about everything since 9/11.

The Brits especially just shrug off terrorist threats as we lived with that crap for 30 years with the IRA.

According to most Brits Saddam was contained and non-dangerous to anyone but the immediate surrounding area. I can understand American\'s views, not much terrorism and then two 737\'s into the buildings you were most proud of.

My strong opinion is that Bush wanted Saddam, 9/11 was a perfect reason, I mean hey, he\'s Arabic and we\'ve had problems with him in the past, he must have something to do with it!

It\'s pointless arguing any more about it though, so I\'m not going to get into any more discussions on it from this point forth, thing\'s were very tense between people here during the war, me being one of them. Maybe we can discuss Saddams possible punishment, how to build a new Iraq and the hope that we may still catch Bin Laden instead of arguing personal points that will never be agreed on, kind of like the European constitution!

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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #68 on: December 16, 2003, 08:02:22 AM »
Originally posted by clips
actually saddam can really have a decent defense if taken to trial

to this day..no wmd..the reason u.s. went to war...not to liberate iraq..

Bluffing WMD is a war crime in itself so if that is what happened then he is still guilty.
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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #69 on: December 16, 2003, 09:14:45 AM »
Green, my point is the war is over... and Saddam has been captured... and this a bad thing?  Whether you were for or against the war prior to it happening shouldn\'t cloud anyones judgement as to what type of ruler Saddam was.  I have no problem with someone who has the opinion we shouldn\'t have gone to war, but I do have problems with people who think we are wrong for capturing Saddam after the war is over.

I also don\'t think capturing Bin Laden is going to stop Islamic terrorists... another will fill his shoes.  It is a certain segment of that religion that is dead set on converting the entire world, killing its perceived enemies (ie. the West) or die trying.

I respect your posts Green and the only post that really ticked me off was clips... ;)
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #70 on: December 16, 2003, 09:20:33 AM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow
but I do have problems with people who think we are wrong for capturing Saddam after the war is over.

I think now he\'s been caught he should be left to mob justice by the Iraqi people. He\'d be dead in minutes and all the discussion over what to do with him would be nullified.

I know it\'s a bit of a non-western solution but I think they should have first dibs, only fair really seeing all the crap they put up with.

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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #71 on: December 16, 2003, 06:15:33 PM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow
Green, my point is the war is over... and Saddam has been captured... and this a bad thing?  Whether you were for or against the war prior to it happening shouldn\'t cloud anyones judgement as to what type of ruler Saddam was.  I have no problem with someone who has the opinion we shouldn\'t have gone to war, but I do have problems with people who think we are wrong for capturing Saddam after the war is over.

I also don\'t think capturing Bin Laden is going to stop Islamic terrorists... another will fill his shoes.  It is a certain segment of that religion that is dead set on converting the entire world, killing its perceived enemies (ie. the West) or die trying.

I respect your posts Green and the only post that really ticked me off was clips... ;)

ok i knew i was going to catch heat for that. But i\'am not defending saddam & you know i don\'t think it\'s wrong that we caught him read my post. Now we do know north korea has wmd right? And they was talkin mo s**t than saddam ever did. what did we do? hmm naw let\'s have a group hug & get everybody in on it c\'mon let\'s talk. fact: if saddam had wmd he would have used them.fact : bush went from sayin he had wmd to he had a wmd programs. and yes we were keepin saddam in check.

every now & then you would hear on the news brits & u.s. strike strategic targets in iraq (i\'m talkin bfore the war) now bfore you cats start sayin get out the country or such garbage..yes saddam was ruthless & america is the best country to live in. Now of course i feel we have to stay & clean it up. no question all i\'ve been saying all along is that those soldiers lives didn\'t have to be sacrificed if there was no real threat. hell north korea stated they was ready to bring death to the u.s.

i think you guys remember some years back when an american was whipped with an iron board in another country? the u.s did nothing i think...forgot how it went down but i say that to say it\'s how iraq ran the gov\'t wrong yes! same s**t goes down in countries in africa, is u.s. helping them..no. giga yes i feel strongly on this issue & i feel we can continue to debate this without you wanting to put a big Clip thorough the screen get it clip?;)
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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #72 on: December 16, 2003, 06:57:56 PM »
Well I heard the U.S. has troops in South Korea keeping an eye on the whole North Korea deal.
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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #73 on: December 16, 2003, 07:08:38 PM »
Originally posted by Skyrider666
Well I heard the U.S. has troops in South Korea keeping an eye on the whole North Korea deal.

we\'ve always had troops in s.korea. my thing is iraq stated they didn\'t have wmd (not sure if it\'s true or not) & bush was like i don\'t care bla bla bla. n.korea said yea we have wmd & the means to deliver em What? we got sumpthin\' fo that a** is what they told the u.s.

don\'t get me wrong u.s. better not call n.koreas bluff,hell who knows what might happen.
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Saddam Captured!
« Reply #74 on: December 16, 2003, 08:05:53 PM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow
I can\'t believe some of you *ahem* clips still defend this guy.  Clips you are wrong plain and simple.  Saddam was kept in check?  You must be joking...

As far as the whole argument about American soldiers losing their lives... yes it is unfortunate that we take casualties, but its reality and it is those people who can\'t stomach even one American death that will be the downfall of this country.  Our enemies know the American public is weak when it comes to US troop casualties and is eager to exploit it.

As long as it isn\'t you dying...right?

I really don\'t care if Saddam was captured or not. But in this case, he was so good for us. Anyways, the war is not "over". I don\'t think that because they caught Saddam all the Anti-US feelings are going to suddenly stop. And you got to remember, Osama is still missing and in reality, he is the one that commited the true horrors to this country.

Like I said, GWB is slowly but surely covering up his lies....
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.


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