Originally posted by IareEthan
(1)That\'s easy to say because your team was benefitting from the missed calls.
(2)Rules are rules. If they\'re broken, penalties are in order.
(3)When the Pats won the superbowl there was a large group of people who didn\'t consider them champions (myself included) because of the Raiders game, and the fact they walked out of that game victorious through a BS call.
(1) Yes, but I admitted that if the penalties had been called that I would be pissed, maybe even bitch a little, but the Colts shouldn\'t be relying on a penalty to get them back into the game.
(2) Rules are rules, yes, than if you feel that way than you shouldn\'t be arguing about the Oakland game. There\'s a thing called a "tuck rule", and gosh darnit, the officials were going by the rules, so the correct call was made.
I don\'t know what point your trying to make here, first you say rules are rules, than you say that the tuck rule is stupid, man, make up your mind.
(3) Yeah, maybe YOU don\'t consider them champions, but that has no substance behind it. I could say I don\'t like the Yankees(a fact), I don\'t consider them 26x champions(eh, I wish). That\'s great, but their in the record books for Superbowl XXXVI, and Tom Brady was the MVP, end of story.
Finally, on a personal note, I feel the league is getting way to soft with these "protect the players" crap. My feeling is let them play the game. Sometimes you get the calls, and sometimes you don\'t, it\'s your right to complain. My problem is that your being so god damned two-faced about it trying to devalue a team that has made it to the Superbowl 2 out of the past 3 years.