I don\'t know how many times this topic has been discussed in these forums, but if it has...ohh well.
NO, I didn\'t get my girlfriend pregnant.
NO, I\'m not a girl pretending to be a guy.
I don\'t think it should be banned. I\'m 100% Pro-Choice. But according to my girlfriend\'s friend I\'m 100% Pro-Murder. I firmly believe that it is the future mother\'s decision wether to have her baby or wether not to have the baby. We are not raising the child and therefore other people have no right to enforce their believes and fight for the birth of the baby against the mother\'s wishes.
My girlfriend\'s friend and I were talking about her stupid ideas of why Republicans are right. She basically said "Democrats steal money from white people"..."just because im white I lose money to give it to those people that don\'t work"...As you can probably conclude, I don\'t like her very much. She is extremely ignorant. When I told her that I support Democrats, she completely went crazy. But she finally pissed me off when she called me a Murderer. B/c she believes that all Democrats support abortion. She is also pretty much brainwashed by all the things the church tell her, but it\'s ok...but she apparently doesn\'t realize that if the person was anymore of a believe in God as she is, abortion wouln\'t even cross their mind. But ohh well, people these days.