Abortion is highly situational. You can\'t really say YES it\'s okay or NO it\'s not. For example, I am pro-choice for the most part but don\'t believe in 3rd trimester abortions. UNLESS you somehow find out in month 7 that your child is going to be born with half a brain and 3 legs or something. See what I mean? It\'s a case-by-case basis.
People like to say, "awww look at little sally, imagine what it would be like if we had aborted her". This is BS. You can\'t go back in time, and what ifs don\'t amount to anything. If she never existed you\'d never know the difference. Choice means choice and if you chose to have little sally then you obviously made the right choice.
And finally, most (most, I said) women don\'t just have an abortion and all is wonderful in the world. There are physical and emotional scars - and although I\'ve never been pregnant, I can say with almost 100% certainty that aborting a child is a damn hard decision to make.