Well, it\'s official life sucks.
Was pulling out of the parking lot at work the other night, my window started to frost over, I thought I\'d pull over where the semi\'s do and defrost my window. I looked out my window, didn\'t see anyone, went to pull in, BAM, hit another car in the side.. A piece of junk car at that.
Tried to drive it home, but the front bumper / fender was pushed inside the tire. Doesn\'t look to be to bad of damage..-shrugs-. My first wreck.
Just hopin\' insurance doesn\'t give me a problem. I\'ve got full coverage, I admit it was my fault, but I forgot to get a police report. No one was hurt. We exchanged information and what not. It never occures to me to get a police report, after all, I was a nervous wreck (no pun intended!).
{Hope\'s that the car is totalled. Hates the expensive payments}
Anyone else got any more interesting wreck stories?