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Author Topic: Damn Vegetarians  (Read 1880 times)

Offline Cyrus
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Damn Vegetarians
« Reply #75 on: January 19, 2004, 12:30:13 PM »
aww jbean Im sooooo sorry you need me to call her or something I mean its a damn shame she doesnt eat your meat.
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Damn Vegetarians
« Reply #76 on: January 19, 2004, 12:38:40 PM »
she dosen\'t nearly as often as she used to.... nothing better than driving around getting your....

Offline Unicron!
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Damn Vegetarians
« Reply #77 on: January 19, 2004, 04:12:54 PM »
Originally posted by Cyrus
You guys know I grew up Mormon right.... Im not now but I know all about it and I was there when so called christians stood outside our church and yelled how Mormonism was a cult not a faith and the whole time I wonder why you so called christians didnt read the same bible as me you know the one that say though shall not JUDGE..

Faith the faith you have that covers your eyes from the fact that others have faith of there own and should be respected as much as you feal your faith should be repected (hmmm seams I herad that one before tooo Do unto other as the would do unto you).

Mormons belive in Christ they belive he came and rose for our sins and they belive in the trinity. The only difference is the belive that there was also another apostle that came later on by the name of Joseph Smith and he had teaching but only after the fact of the bible not by any means replacing it.

And now I have no faith so Im not getting into this to PUSH my belives onto you people I hate that more than anything. But the ignorance of some people really piss me off

SO NOW IM BEGGIN SOME MOD PLEASE CLOSE MY THREAD OR MOVE IT cause now it has become a beast that doesnt belong in "off-topic"

I wouldnt say its an occult.Its a heresy.Occult and heresy arent exactly the same thing.But even if Orthodox is supposed to be theright Christianism if its interpreted wrongly in the minds of Orthodox, believe becuase of fear, or act as if this is the modern age of an Orthodox Holy Testament, and instead of trying to orient and help people see the truth act the way you described then they arent pure Christians either.They are even worse than any heretic because something pure seems to be corrupted.

Offline Coredweller
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Damn Vegetarians
« Reply #78 on: January 19, 2004, 05:23:08 PM »
Originally posted by Unicron!
I wouldnt say its an occult.Its a heresy.Occult and heresy arent exactly the same thing.But even if Orthodox is supposed to be theright Christianism if its interpreted wrongly in the minds of Orthodox, believe becuase of fear, or act as if this is the modern age of an Orthodox Holy Testament, and instead of trying to orient and help people see the truth act the way you described then they arent pure Christians either.They are even worse than any heretic because something pure seems to be corrupted.
First, I\'d like to say that I didn\'t understand any of that.  No offense intended, but your point was a bit cloudy.

Second, "Cult" and "Occult" are two different words with different meanings.  A cult is a certain variety of behavior conditioning religious organization, and "occult" is an adjective usually used to describe activities thought of as paranormal or magical.

Third, I don\'t think you\'re using the word "orthodox" correctly.  Orthodox is an adjective that can be applied to many different organizations and belief systems.  For example, you could say "Orthodox Catholicism" or "Orthodox Judaism" or "Militant Orthodox Snake Worshipping."  It simply identifies a particularly extreme, fundamentalist variety of an existing belief system.  If you use it by itself, I have no way of knowing what form of religion you\'re referring to.

Sorry to pick nits, but I thought this might help.
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Damn Vegetarians
« Reply #79 on: January 19, 2004, 05:55:43 PM »
wow ok you guys are off on the orthodox thing.  All orthodox means is that whatever the adjective describes adhears to thier traditional belief.  In no way does orthodox means a extreme, fundamentalist group.  If anything the orthodox groups are your conventional run of the mill groups.

.....sorry to be picky.
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Dark Lord Sith\'s.
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Offline Coredweller
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Damn Vegetarians
« Reply #80 on: January 19, 2004, 06:37:01 PM »
I wasn\'t trying to give it a negative connotation.  I\'m just saying that an orthodox variation of a particular belief is generally the hardcore, fundamental variation, and they are usually the minority among that belief.  They are NOT usually the "conventional run of the mill groups."  The majority is usually a mild, middle-of-the-road variation that is tolerant of change and compromise.  Not so with an orthodox minority.
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\"The American Dream: You have to be asleep to believe it.\"  - George Carlin

Offline Phil
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Damn Vegetarians
« Reply #81 on: January 19, 2004, 06:58:46 PM »
Don\'t make me dictionary.com your ass.....

Well I\'ve never heard the term used to describe the radical groups but hey that doesn\'t mean it can\'t be used that way, but for the most part orthodox is the majority.  They adhere to the common belief.  Hence the reason they are orthodox.  Orthodox can never be the minority if you take the definition literaly. Eh....I\'m rambling
Wrong. There are two other people who can.
Dark Lord Sith\'s.
Demon\'s named Phil.  -LIC


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