Originally posted by Living-In-Clip
Congradulation\'s. You\'ve discovered an article that says its easy to pirate on the Xbox and it\'s causing MS and the industry to lose money. Wow, I guess this is news or something?
While we are on this, I hope you all realize PS2 is alsoe asily pirated. The only one I can think of where pirating is not rampant is the NGC.
Not exactly news to me. This is the first time it has hit the news (mainstream news media, aka. Dagens Industri) though, that is why I posted it.
And yep, I know a lot of PS2 owners have their PS2s moded, but most people do it so they are able to import games. And still, the number of PS2\'s moded (at least here) are no where near the number of Xboxes moded.
Its hurting the Xbox a lot more than the PS2.
Marknadsandelar konsol:
Sony (PlayStation 2+PSone) 44,8%
Microsoft (Xbox) 25,9%
Nintendo (Game Boy Advance+Game Boy Advance SP+GameCube) 29,2%
Marknadsandelar konsol, stationära:
PlayStation 2 - 54,5%
Xbox -
31,9% GameCube -
13,6%There is also a list of the 20 most selling games of 2003, no Xbox game makes the list.. but 2 GC titles makes it, eventhough the Xbox has a larger percent of the market then the GC? Hmm?