I think \'marriage\' is for heterosexuals only, but I think a similar \'union\' with the same rights, policies etc would be ok. The whole concept of \'marriage\' is a union between a man and a women, nothing else.
Marriage between man and women is a RELIGIOUS concept.
State "Marriage" should and WILL be open to homosexuals and heterosexuals.
Its not their right to get the benefits of being married ie. tax breaks, etc. A civil union is fine by me, but marriage is for a union between a man and woman. If gays are allowed to marry it mocks the entire institution of marriage.
We are trying to run a government here, not trying to keep "pride" for the heterosexual population.
Marriage is not between man and women, that is once againa RELIGIOUS ideal, one that not all should be forced to accept.
This just shows your lack of knowledge about the US. This whole argument has to do with the institution of marriage, which many hold sacred.
This type of attitude is why democracy in the US is failing, america was created on noble ideals but the government is now controlled by groups who fight to control the population, not work FOR the population.
In closing, America is SUPPOSED to be a place of equality, where all people no matter what there sexuality, race, etc can be treated equally.
Those of you who want men and woman marriages may create PRIVATE organizations (i.e. the church, the boy scouts...)
The following words need to be removed from the government, as silly as you may think it:
"God" "Marriage" "Sacred"
Many others, but you get the point....
And yes, I do take the seperation of church and state very seriously, as it was intended.