Originally posted by (e)
Your only disagreeing with me because you happen to be black too. Face the facts dude, him being black helped the case.
Thats bullshit and the fact that you can\'t give ANY reason why his race is the reason he got off shows that.
If OJ was a white dude he STILL would have gotten off. Why? BECAUSE HE IS F*CKING RICH.
If I was in the same case(despite me being black) I would be UNDER the jail right now.
Still, I can list PLENTY of reasons how his money got him off and you can\'t list ONE stating how his race got him off.
And now you are trying to change your story by saying "It helped the case". You can\'t even say how his race did THAT. Seriously, you know nothing about the case and are just going off conjecture and hearsay.
I can name a couple of ways in which his race could have helped the trial but the fact that you CAN\'T shows that you are just talking out of your ass.