Originally posted by Bozco
Please enlighten us on the greatness of Affirmative Action.

I never said i thought it was great now did I? I just said that all white people say that which most do. Actually I think it is somewhat bogus but in actuality as much as people hate it, it does bring some good. I know people who have been picked just to fill a quota and ended up thriving in their location. The opportunities of whites FAR out number blacks and affirmative in a not so massive scale helps to create a better mixed society.
Now i have white friends that have been turned down on certain things just because of the fact and youre right, thats kinda F*ed up. It is only in certain circumstances in which i think affirmative action is a good thing. Job wise, if somebody (black) has the qualifications that are maybe slightly lower than a white male/female then it can be somewhat justified that they may obtain the job through somebody trying to fill a quota. It may sound sad but by giving somebody with a lesser chance of succeeding due to the fact that they are black helps more than some people think.
I hate to rant but its pretty obvious that blacks that dont take advantage of bettering themselves usually fall into a kind of domino effect where they grow up around people like them and so their children, friends and so on end up with the same mentality. You see it every day. All the stereotypical loud black kids have the same train of thought and most of the time they really dont give a shit about what some white guy thinks or what they are doing to themselves or other people around them. And like i said thats just the result of others before them.
So to end this somewhat long ...w/e you want to call it, Affirmative action is both bullshit and somewhat beneficial to helping the "black community" become more successful and thus end this jacked up line of morons that are sadly apart of my "people."