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Author Topic: Nominees ONLY - The great debate  (Read 3575 times)

Offline Black Samurai
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Nominees ONLY - The great debate
« Reply #75 on: February 20, 2004, 08:12:23 PM »
Originally posted by shockwaves
In your thread, you put that if you post something offensive, you should give some information as to why you feel that way, to help clarify it.  However, you didn\'t do that at all with the things you found offensive.  You basically just posted things like "AIDS was invented to kill off gays".  If you\'re posting a rule saying that people should do that in order, I assume, to avoid just blatantly offending people without reason, why didn\'t you follow your own rule?  I don\'t want to argue so much about something so long gone and in the past, but I just decided that if you weren\'t gonna follow your rules, I wasn\'t either, and poeple posting in that thread agreeing that the no posting about other people\'s beliefs rule wouldn\'t work.  My problem was not that you were posting those beliefs, but that you were posting things I very much disagreed with, and you weren\'t going to give me a chance to say anything about them in that thread.  If you want to post such controversial and potentially offensive things, you have to be willing to be called on them.  That\'s what I said in my PM\'s.

So say what you will about what I said, but I had a reason to say it, and I gave you my reasons both then and now.  No one else even batted an eyelash at what I did in public.  

Not to mention, might I add, that by the end of your thread, you yourself responded to a comment someone else made to argue against it :)

Once again, I really wanna stress I hold no grudge here and it\'s nothing personal.  I\'m just posting how I saw things.
I am not a child so I would appreciate it if you did not condescend to me as if I was one.

1. I said to give a little bit of information why you feel that way. Which I did for all of my statements. My original statement was that AIDS was a man made disease. I said that it was created to in a sense thin the herd and afflict certain groups. I said (Gays, etc.) and you took that as me calling AIDS a gay disease.

2. If you didn\'t want to discuss it you never would have brought up an almost two year old post.

3. No one batted an eyelash because no one besides me was called an asshole.

4. At the end of the thread I was responding to someone that replied to ME.

I tried to make the thread as civil as possible considering the potential subject matter but the fact that you took it upon yourself to flame me in the first reply pretty much set the precedent for the whole thread. I said that if people disagreed with what was posted they could take it up in PMs or start another thread to discuss the issue but I guess all of that was too much for you to take. I said something that you disagreed with and that made me an asshole.

You read over the whole thread and through the PMs and only saw what you wanted to see. I posted a couple of "controversial" ideas and only casually mention gays in one of them and I guess that made it homophobic. You tried to bring up a thread to highlight my "closemindedness" yet only managed to highlight your own tunnel vision and bias.
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« Reply #76 on: February 20, 2004, 08:27:13 PM »
And tell me, are you taking any responibility for your part in that thread?  I don\'t see how I\'m displaying any more tunnel vision than you are.  Was I right to come out and say what I did?  Prolly not.  Were you right to respond as you did?  Once again, no.  I however feel that your action outweighed mine.  I called you an asshole, and did nothing else wrong that I can see.  You started a topic with views that I still consider to be offensive, and then you responded with far worse and more offensive things than what I said.  

I felt you didn\'t give any information as to why you felt that way.  You gave two sentences describing what you felt a situation was, but didn\'t explain why.  You didn\'t say what led you to believe that.  In fact, I still don\'t know what your reasoning was.

At the end of the thread, Jumpman had posted his own belief on the topic of AIDS.  He did not in any way connect it to yours.  He didn\'t mention you, or what you posted, or try to connect it to what you posted.  So no, it wasn\'t a reply to you, it was just something that contradicted a belief of yours.

I read over the PM\'s and the thread, and I see both sides.  But I\'m only posting what you did, because I knew you\'d post what I did.  I don\'t see how that\'s showing anything.

How am I talking to you as if you\'re a child?  If I am, I\'m not meaning to and it\'s unintentional...chill.

Once again, as I said to Titan, I only went into the past to \'dig up dirt\' if I really don\'t have much against you, and I was just looking for something to post negative about you.  The fact is, I respect you, and I think you\'d be fine as a mod.  *shrug*

Offline Black Samurai
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« Reply #77 on: February 20, 2004, 10:16:19 PM »
What part of the thread am I supposed to be taking responsibility for? I think AIDS is a man made disease and that it was distributed to target homosexuals and various other minorities. Does that somehow offend you? Are you a microbiologist? Why would that statement offend you?

If I was somehow wrong in this matter I would have no problem conceding that fact. However, the fact of the matter remains that I was not wrong. You personally attacked me and I, albeit more harshly than I should have, personally attacked you. Tit for tat. To somehow try to skew the situation making me the bad guy is flat out wrong. You know what they say about people in glass houses.

BTW, What, besides calling you a "pussy", did I do that was far worse and more offensive than what you said and why did you not call the other people, who mentioned AIDS being man made, assholes?
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Offline shockwaves
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« Reply #78 on: February 20, 2004, 11:02:04 PM »
You made two remarks about gay people out of your few comments.  You said that AIDS was targetted specifically at gays, mentioning no other groups, making it sound like it was a gay disease.  You said yourself that you see how it could have sounded like that.

"I am sorry that you are a gay greek man with aids. Didn\'t mean to offend you. Or did I?  BTW, Kiss my ass you pussy."
"I think you are an asshole, based on your beliefs"

You decide which sounds worse.  The difference is I came off as insulting and critical, prolly too much so.  That\'s true.  However, at least my remarks didn\'t come off as racist or as offensive.  That\'s where the difference is in my view.  Plus, I\'m not only owning up to what I did, but I was willing to show people.  I have nothing to hide here, and I\'m not ashamed of what I\'ve done.  I admit some wrong doing, but you\'re admitting practically none.  As a mod, I know I shouldn\'t do that to other members, and I won\'t, because I see that there was some wrong in that, and if I were a staff member that would be magnified.  Tell me, if you\'re a mod and I\'m a normal member when that comment is made, do you respond the same way?

The only reason I even brought this up is because you said the advantage you had over all the other mods is how open minded you are.  It doesn\'t even matter who is at fault here, even though I\'m still standing by the fact that what you did was worse...what matters is, there is no way you can make that sort of a claim with a history like that.  This was a little over a year ago, not all that long.  The idea that you would say you\'re the most open minded person here after you\'ve said stuff like that to me is not something I\'m gonna just let fly, even if it does mean exposing some of my own wrong doing.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2004, 11:14:58 PM by shockwaves »

Offline ##RaCeR##
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« Reply #79 on: February 21, 2004, 12:21:39 AM »
ok I am bored with this.

when do we find out the vote, or the semi finalist, or just SOME kind of info as to who is winning.

just gimme a racing specific forum to mod and you guys can sort the rest out.

Note to Cyrus, you are a bluthering idot. Half of you comments don\'t even make sense. Its called re-reading your post before you press the \'submit\' button. Got it? I\'m sure if you were a mod you\'d really cope with all the extra buttons and stuff...

Offline SwifDi
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« Reply #80 on: February 21, 2004, 12:40:52 AM »
I think we\'ve all done exactly what the current mods wanted us to do, make fools of one another.

This has been an obvious joke from the get go...

Offline Black Samurai
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« Reply #81 on: February 21, 2004, 07:37:12 AM »
So now my comments were racist as well? Thanks.

I admitted that I was wrong for calling you a pussy and I apologized then and now. I\'m not going to apologize for saying what I said in the thread because I don\'t think I should have to. Which seems to be where your problem lies. I did not say anything bad about greeks, or homosexuals. In your effort to try to paint me as this closeminded tool you still fail to see that.

Now let me see if I can find some of your posts from 2000 to call you out on. :rolleyes:
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Offline Cyrus
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Nominees ONLY - The great debate
« Reply #82 on: February 21, 2004, 10:00:59 AM »
Originally posted by ##RaCeR##
ok I am bored with this.

when do we find out the vote, or the semi finalist, or just SOME kind of info as to who is winning.

just gimme a racing specific forum to mod and you guys can sort the rest out.

Note to Cyrus, you are a bluthering idot. Half of you comments don\'t even make sense. Its called re-reading your post before you press the \'submit\' button. Got it? I\'m sure if you were a mod you\'d really cope with all the extra buttons and stuff...

Ya tell me it\'s really hard with all the if, and, and then statments I deal with on a regular basis hard to imagine I can write and entire website in notepad isn\'t it. But I\'m glad I am here for your amusment racer this is the most post I have seen in you in sometime another reason why you should\'nt get the spot your hardly around anymore unless there is some big news about JLo you want to post.
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Offline Black Samurai
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« Reply #83 on: February 21, 2004, 10:56:33 AM »
shockwaves, This disagreement can only be settled one way.

We must fight to the death. Thunderdome style.
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Offline shockwaves
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« Reply #84 on: February 21, 2004, 12:46:20 PM »
Originally posted by Black Samurai
So now my comments were racist as well? Thanks.

I admitted that I was wrong for calling you a pussy and I apologized then and now. I\'m not going to apologize for saying what I said in the thread because I don\'t think I should have to. Which seems to be where your problem lies. I did not say anything bad about greeks, or homosexuals. In your effort to try to paint me as this closeminded tool you still fail to see that.

Now let me see if I can find some of your posts from 2000 to call you out on. :rolleyes:

From 2002 :p  And the thing I had a problem with was that your PM came across as offensive to me, on a different level than what I said to you.

And as for settling, this, I accept.  To the Thunderdome!


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