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Author Topic: Nominees ONLY - The great debate  (Read 3577 times)

Offline Bozco
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Nominees ONLY - The great debate
« Reply #60 on: February 20, 2004, 01:55:19 PM »
theomen- Thinks fun has something to do with being mindlessly stupid

cyrus-  He takes the 50 cent approach to things.  Insults everybody, bringing attention to himself.  Except he doesn\'t do it half as well

shockwaves-  Someone I have tons of respect for, though he is starting to see me as being boring or bored.  The problem is the state of the forums right now though, I had tons of fun when I first came here but now not as much.  It\'s starting to get better and I\'ll loosen up.

swifdi-  Someone that I used to clash with but overtime a mutual respect has built.  He did nominate shockwaves who nominated me so obviously I\'m a better choice than him.

gman-  Knows how to keep it layed back.  Biggest problem being is that he bends the rules, how can he enforce them well?

titan-  Knows the rules and follows them but I can\'t see him backing any decision he makes.  Doesn\'t stand up for himself any.

racer-  His claim to fame is some shower incident and thats about all he\'s brought to the forum.

black samurai-  Gets his opinion across without taking himself too seriously.  Scary that I don\'t have something bad to say but shockwaves showed a side I hadn\'t seen.

I love being labeled boring.  Sorry I don\'t find humor in the same boring fun that gman or theomen do.  My fun comes in going out during the weekend or being with my friends.  I guess I don\'t find enough of you worth being labeled a friend so its hard to find humor in your stupidity.  Maybe the forums have just lost their touch.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2004, 02:12:40 PM by Bozco »

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« Reply #61 on: February 20, 2004, 02:10:01 PM »
Originally posted by Bozco
shockwaves-  Someone I have tons of respect for, though he is starting to see me as being boring or bored.  The problem is the state of the forums right now though, I had tons of fun when I first came here but now not as much.  It\'s starting to get better and I\'ll loosen up.

*shrug*  I don\'t think you\'re so boring, don\'t worry.  Had to think of something to say. :)  You know I respect you, and think you\'d make a good mod.

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« Reply #62 on: February 20, 2004, 02:13:18 PM »
Kurt Angle And Bozco - these two would be good mods. No one really has any personal vandetta against them and neither have a score to settle with anone else. Although they owe me $10,000 each.

Why not me? Well, although I am a lot more intelligent than I\'ve led you all to believe, I do like a good conversation and many will take it as spamming. As you\'ve noticed, I like a good laugh so I open a few funny topics here just to see if someone will make fun. But I\'ll cut that out, since I didn\'t know it bothered so many of you.

My work is boring. So, I go here to mess around. IF I was mod, I\'d defintely become more responsible and ironically, post less. Heh!
\"Gee,  I dunno.  If I was a chick, I\'d probably want a kiss (or more) from Durst, too.\"--SineSwiper 9/23/03 (from another forum)
Originally posted by Seed_Of_Evil I must admit that the last pic of her ass will be used in my next masturbation. She\'s hot as hell, one of my

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« Reply #63 on: February 20, 2004, 02:20:34 PM »
Cyrus - Cyrus seems to be a very moody individual. Although I personally think he isn\'t the brightest bulb in the box, he can be funny. However he would make a lousy moderator because it seems to be too easy to get under his skin. He\'s one of those guys you like to test so you can sit back and laugh at his over-the-top reaction... Damn, that sounds familiar.[/color]

Bozco - People seem to be throwing the word, "boring" out a lot with him, and I disagree. I think Boz is very laid back, cool, and clever. He\'s got a "lone wolf" aspect to him that I can\'t really describe but it makes me wet. As for a reason he shouldnt be mod, I\'d have to go with because shockwaves is running against him.[/color]

ThOmen - Very funny guy that seems to be a picture perfect OT mod.  He won\'t show his face though in his pictures so I can only assume he got hit with a shovel. Ugly people make bad mods, ooseven is a perfect example. [/color]

Gman -Just doesn\'t show a single mature trait to highlight. I put him in a similiar boat as me with our infatuations with asians, incredibly small penis size, and the nature of our posts. [/color]

Chizzy - Doesn\'t seem too interested in any of this. We\'ve had our scrambles but Chizzy is a good guy, maybe a little misdirected though. [/color]

Samurai - Recently has been funnier in his posts, but when arguing can be narrow minded. Seems to carry a chip on his shoulder... Would make good fried chicken.[/color]

Kurt - Kind of dopey... I don\'t think I\'ve ever seen him take part in a serious discussion. Doesn\'t really matter though, he is definitely the only thing in England worth living.[/color]

shockwaves - See sig.[/color]

Titan - I know we have labeled me as having a lot of girl problems, but that was over a year ago people. I\'ve had a girlfriend for over 13 months now, so I think its safe to say my girl troubles are over. I would be honored though to hand the reigns over to Titan as he probably has yet to have his willy played with. Oh and he\'s not funny.[/color]
« Last Edit: February 20, 2004, 02:24:33 PM by SwifDi »

Offline Ashford
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« Reply #64 on: February 20, 2004, 03:32:57 PM »
Originally posted by Bozco
I didn\'t yet poof.

I was warning Cyrus and GMan, specifically...
July 2002: If you had bought $1000.00 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00. Enron, $16.50 left. Worldcom, $5.00 left. If you had bought $1,000.00 worth of Budweiser beer one year ago, drank it all and turned in the cans for the 10 cent deposit, you would have $214.00. Based on the above, my current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle.

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« Reply #65 on: February 20, 2004, 04:00:19 PM »
Originally posted by Ashford
I was warning Cyrus and GMan, specifically...

You deleted my response to Cyrus.

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« Reply #66 on: February 20, 2004, 04:04:12 PM »
I\'m so happy I could cry, you guys are the best.... finally there is some mudslinging and it all because of me.

Originally posted by theomen
reasons why people shouldn\'t be mods;

Cyrus:  Short tempered, and can only debate with someone with insults.  How would you like to have a thread locked and the last words on the page be "Closed because your stoopid- Cyrus"  He just doesn\'t have the maturity level to be a mod.  By mature I don\'t mean that he acts like a child, but instead I mean that when it comes to an argument he reverts to a child like state.

I can see the hormones all ready have a adverse effect. I am debating I dont always post like that. I usually stay under the radar hence the reason Bozco thinks Im sooo new. Child like state? hmmm I have on ocasion felt like breast feeding but I didnt realize it was sooo bad.

Originally posted by shockwaves

Cyrus: Well, this is the easiest one for me.  First of all, he\'s new.  He hasn\'t been around all that long.  Second of all, he\'s shown his own immaturity throughout this competition.  He\'s been arguementative, which is a good thing in a situation like this, but in a way where he\'s talking down to and belittling the other members while not really saying much of anything in the process.  I don\'t think that\'s a good type of attitude for a member to have.  As for his list, the only thing that he could say about me relates to an online journal I post off this site which has absolutely nothing to do with how I am on this site (which is why I moved it off this site in the first place, by the way).  If you don\'t like who I am and think I need to grow up, fine.  I think you\'re the one who\'s been acting like a little kid on these boards though, and that\'s where it counts.

Im new I havent been around all that long blah blah isn\'t that a broken record.. Im glad you realize I have been argumenative thats what this is all about and it took me for you people to realize it. I pointed out things I felt were bad qualities for a mod I didnt belittle again with the belittling just let it go man. You got to have more of a backbone that that to be a mod. Beside your people in this instance are not mere "members" your canidates.

All I can say about you.... I was trying to be nice and then you got all hurt because of swifdi. well if you want to know the truth as someone else pointed out to me and I happen to agree completly..... "Shockwaves never takes a firm stand on anything - he is Mr. Polite - to scared to offend anyone and too politically correct. The same could be said of Bozco." That my friend is why you wouldn\'t ne a good mod you gotta take it or leave it and hold no grudges

Originally posted by Kurt Angle

Cyrus:   Sorry buddy but imo you just haven\'t been here long enough and there are other members more deserving than you.

You are probably right about the more deserving but dang it I\'m not gonna roll over just like I would\'nt if I was mod

Originally posted by Bozco
cyrus-  He takes the 50 cent approach to things.  Insults everybody, bringing attention to himself.  Except he doesn\'t do it half as well

I love this one more that any other... 5 days ago you prentended not to know who I even was and now you think you know perfectly. Why would I make a good mod compared to you cause at least I come with 50 cents

Originally posted by SwifDi
Cyrus - Cyrus seems to be a very moody individual. Although I personally think he isn\'t the brightest bulb in the box, he can be funny. However he would make a lousy moderator because it seems to be too easy to get under his skin. He\'s one of those guys you like to test so you can sit back and laugh at his over-the-top reaction... Damn, that sounds familiar.

I would make a great mod becasue its extremly hard to get under my skin.... Do you honestly belive any of my remarks have been in response to something? NOT I was trying to bring a little life into the debate which I did... Did you catch that bringing life... Yes people I can do it for this site as well.
When did I realize I was God? One day I was praying and suddenly realized I was talking to myself.[/font]

Offline Ashford
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« Reply #67 on: February 20, 2004, 04:11:08 PM »
Originally posted by Bozco
You deleted my response to Cyrus.

Simply because it was part of the whole circus and we don\'t need to add more fuel to the fire...
July 2002: If you had bought $1000.00 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00. Enron, $16.50 left. Worldcom, $5.00 left. If you had bought $1,000.00 worth of Budweiser beer one year ago, drank it all and turned in the cans for the 10 cent deposit, you would have $214.00. Based on the above, my current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle.

Offline Coredweller
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« Reply #68 on: February 20, 2004, 04:25:01 PM »
I\'ve been observing this thread, and waiting for the dust to settle before posting my answers to the questions.

1) Who would you least like to see as mod? I\'m not going to answer any questions that involve criticizing other members as a means of strengthen my position.  Sorry, but that\'s childish, and nothing more than entertainment for the existing mods, who were all APPOINTED to their positions.  If this were an important elected position in the real world, it might be worthwhile to point out the other candidates\' deficiencies, however I\'m not willing to make enemies here simply for entertainment purposes.

2) What forum would you like to create/come back? I think that an automotive forum would be very interesting and entertaining for our existing membership.  The purpose is not to pull threads out of OT and put them somewhere else, but to give posters another category of topics to think about.  I think an automotive forum would not be under utilized.  It would prompt MORE threads on cars, and to me that would be very cool.

3) What do you consider Spam and is it really all that bad? Spam is any post that is of value ONLY to the person who posted it.  It can be to increase the person\'s post count, position their name at the end of all threads on the threadlist, satisfy their boredom, or many other self-centered reasons.  We are participating in a group discussion, and everything we post should pass through a mental filter that asks:  "Will anyone else care about what I\'m posting?"  If the answer is no, then it\'s spam.  It is annoying and distracting.

4) Explain this post: "i really think that i how that guy os on he weekend"That is obviously a salutation in the little-known language of English skate punks (didn\'t know they had any...) meaning "May the seed of your loin be fruitful in the belly of your woman."

5) PSX2Central has continued to be a forum appealing to children of all ages along with adults as well, but recently, many different threads have pushed the boundary greatly, including those "hot babe" posts we have all come to know and love. Should PSX2central be made a young adult to adult oriented site? Why or why not? If it became an adult oriented site, what would your stance be on acceptable material? First, I don\'t think it\'s feasible to somehow switch the site so that it could be viewed by "young adults" or "adults" only.  I\'m a pragmatist, and if I understood what was being proposed, I could provide a suitable answer.  In my opinion, I think we can leave the forum open to member of any age, and simply make sure that nothing posted here contains any nudity, language, or violence that cannot also be seen on commercial television.  

6) What would you do to rekindle the spirit of the forums and make them appealing once again to those users who have moved on or are considering just that? Is a change even necessary? There\'s very little that can be done from an administrative point of view to "rekindle the spirit" as it were.  I don\'t feel that things are in a bad state now.  There was a time period of about 8-12 months when posting declined, and the level of intelligent discussion eroded very rapidly.  I think that is behind us now, and I feel that we\'re moving in the right direction.  The Current Events forum was a brilliant improvement, and it fosters a great deal of intelligent discussion.  All efforts to keep things at the quality level we desire must come from within.  Each of us must continue starting the threads that we really want to see, and not succumb to laziness or procrastination.

7) Which mod do you feel has abused his powers and how would you be an improvement? The only cases I remember of any mod abusing powers were those situations in which a mod closed a thread without claiming responsibility for the closure, or stating why it was necessary.  I consider that to be a cheap abuse of power, but because no one took credit for these in the past, I do not know who was responsible.

8) Are there any members that you are surprised the mods have or have not banned? I have not disagreed with any of the permanent bans.  Of the temporary bans, the only one I recall disagreeing with was when Luckee was banned some years ago.  I don\'t remember the circumstances, but it seemed unnecessary for the situation.  I do not feel that any currently active members are deserving of being banned.

9) What mod would you most like to see have his powers pulled? I don\'t think any of the existing mods should have their powers pulled.

Bonus: Should the PSX2Central journals be closed? I realize that few people update in there, but there are honestly hundreds of sites you could freely use to write down your personal thoughts and now that rants and raves is back open, any b|tching can easily find its way there. Given those facts, should the board remain open? Why or why not? If you are a regular member and not part of this debate, feel free to PM me your answer to this question if you wish to express yourself.This goes to the heart of a general frustration I\'ve had with the organization of the PSX2Central forums.  As often as we have created interesting new forums, just as frequently we have members or mods proposing to have them removed.  I don\'t understand this obsession for removing forums, even those that receive little activity.  I\'m sure that most of us frequent other internet forums that have as many as 100\'s of subforums with no technical problems.  Certainly those sites have more members that we do, but I don\'t think having too many forums would be harmful to the overall activity of our site.  If anything, having additional categories of topics would prompt people to start threads that might otherwise not occur to them.

With regard to the Journals: I do not post there, nor do I read other people\'s journals.  It makes me uncomfortable to observe other people\'s inner secrets, and I generally don\'t want to share mine.  However, I have no problem with leaving that forum in place for those who enjoy it.  It does me no harm to ignore it.

What do you, as a possible moderator bring to the forum something other nominee\'s don\'t? Open mind? Cut down on spam? What makes you the one for the job?I am one of the older members of this forum, and I think that my evenhandedness, stability, and experience provide benefits for the job of moderator.  I\'ve seen many things in my life, and met a wide variety of individuals.  I have lived in Europe, and have real-world friends of many races, religions, and nationalities.  I am accustomed to communicating with other individuals who have different ways of thinking and receiving information.  In my real world job, I work with a group of 14 individuals scattered across North America.  When they have squabbles and disagreements between themselves, they often turn to me to mediate and help resolve them.  I am successful in this role because I am experienced in listening to both sides of an argument, and not predeciding an opinion based on personal allegiances or biases.  What I\'ve written above may sound at first glance like resume doubletalk, but in fact it\'s very true.  I\'m suspicious of describing myself from my own perspective, but many of my coworkers have also described me this way.

A thread is obviously pointless, but people are spamming away in it - some more than others. Do you , (1) close the threads , (2) only delete the worst of worse of posts or finally (3) ignore it and let them continue on?[/b]First, I would try to decide if the thread started as a useful contribution to the forum.  If there is a useful subject buried under the spam, then the spammers must be warned to return to the subject, or start their own thread.  I believe that if the spammers can be persuaded to stop spamming, the thread can be left as is for the real posters to resume the original subject.  I would consider deleting posts a very aggressive and undesirable action, even if the posts are spam.  If nothing in the thread contains any value, I would prefer to close the thread (after ample warnings) rather than delete posts.

What is the problem with the other members being mod? One by one, please. You\'ve listed why you think you should be a moderator, but not why the others shouldn\'t be.Sorry, I won\'t criticize the other nominees.  Please see question 1.
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Offline Black Samurai
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« Reply #69 on: February 20, 2004, 04:26:03 PM »
Originally posted by shockwaves
Black Samauri: Ok, going back a bit to dig this gem up.  Black Samauri posted that he is open minded and gives people the benefit of the doubt, which is why he above all others would make a good mod.  About a year ago, he posted a topic for people to post controversial views.  He then proceeded to post homophobic views of his, or at least what came out that way.  He also posted saying that he thought many Greek and Roman achievements came from Egypt.  Basically, I called him on this, saying I disagreed with his views on gays, and he PMed me with:

I apologize.
I am sorry that you are a gay greek man with aids. Didn\'t mean to offend you. Or did I?

BTW, Kiss my ass you pussy.
Very one sided story.

I posted a thread and said:
This is a thread for people to list some of their controversial beliefs which may be offensive to others, not to attack someone for their beliefs. If you disagree with someone take it up with them in a PM or start another thread called "Controversial Belief Disagreements" or something

That was plainly laid out. YOU however managed to ignore that and with the FIRST response of the thread said:
I think I have lost all respect that I had for you, and think you are an asshole, based on your beliefs. Controversial, yes? Sorry, not starting a new topic to say that.

Is that not a slap in my face? First of all I said that if someone disagreed they should take it to PMs. Not only did you neglect to PM me, you flamed me for no reason. That would piss ANYONE off; but did I follow suit and flame you in the thread? No. I took it to PMs and told you to kiss my ass. Which I had EVERY right to do. Especially considering the offensive tone that you immediately took with me.

Originally posted by shockwaves
That was basically the most I was ever attacked in a PM or on this forum in general.  Several PM\'s followed that one, with basically the same message when I tried to explain myself.  For someone who says he is both open minded and gives people the benefit of the doubt, right here is a very good example of where he was neither open minded nor giving me the benefit of the doubt.  He posted closed minded comments, not even in response to someone else\'s thread by in making his own thread purposely to do so, and then attacked me immediately for calling him on it.  I mean, come on.  Not only is that definitely not behavior that a mod should show, but it contradicts strongly what he said his strong points were.  Sorry to bring up that history, but I had to say something.
And then for you to try to act like I was belligerent in a bunch of following PMs is to put it mildy, Bullshit. I have copies of the PMs that we sent back and forth and not only did I attempt to extend the olive branch I also tried to see where you were coming from.

If need be I WILL post the entire discussion to throw that tripe you posted back in your face.
[SIZE=\"4\"][COLOR=\"Red\"]I\'m sorry, That\'s not a hair question.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

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« Reply #70 on: February 20, 2004, 04:32:04 PM »
Originally posted by SwifDi
Samurai - Recently has been funnier in his posts, but when arguing can be narrow minded. Seems to carry a chip on his shoulder... Would make good fried chicken.[/color]
When you say "would make good fried chicken", do you mean as in me frying the chicken or in me being the fried chicken?

Just asking because I can\'t cook for the life of me but I\'m almost positive that I would taste finger licking good.
[SIZE=\"4\"][COLOR=\"Red\"]I\'m sorry, That\'s not a hair question.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

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« Reply #71 on: February 20, 2004, 06:34:42 PM »
Originally posted by Cyrus
Im new I havent been around all that long blah blah isn\'t that a broken record.. Im glad you realize I have been argumenative thats what this is all about and it took me for you people to realize it. I pointed out things I felt were bad qualities for a mod I didnt belittle again with the belittling just let it go man. You got to have more of a backbone that that to be a mod. Beside your people in this instance are not mere "members" your canidates.

All I can say about you.... I was trying to be nice and then you got all hurt because of swifdi. well if you want to know the truth as someone else pointed out to me and I happen to agree completly..... "Shockwaves never takes a firm stand on anything - he is Mr. Polite - to scared to offend anyone and too politically correct. The same could be said of Bozco." That my friend is why you wouldn\'t ne a good mod you gotta take it or leave it and hold no grudges

I don\'t take a firm stand?  Either you really haven\'t been around here long at all, or you just don\'t read threads.  I can show you numerous threads where I have taken a strong stand on something.  Look at political threads, look at threads on controversial topics about things like abortion, religion, and gay rights.  I take strong stands often, and the fact that you\'d say otherwise just shows you don\'t know what you\'re talking about.

As for being afraid to offend people, I have ripped into mods and admins on multiple occassions here, not to mention other members.  LIC and Ryu are examples of this.  And if you want to see me ripping into another member, look at what me and Black Samauri are arguing about right now.

As for being argumentative, I said that was a good thing.  Arguing is good.  But when you make a post that contains nothing but mindless name calling and doesn\'t actually make a point or say anything, it shows a lack of judgement on your part in making such a post.  I don\'t hold a grudge.  If you think this is me holding a grudge, then once again, you don\'t know me.  I have held a grudge against two people in my time on messages boards, none of which were here, and both of which did more than enough to deserve it.

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« Reply #72 on: February 20, 2004, 06:50:04 PM »
Black Samauri[/color]
If you want to post the rest of the PM\'s, go ahead.  I said nothing wrong in them.  I said that I don\'t agree with your views, I told you about myself since you were saying I was a Gay Greek Man with AIDS, and I gave you background on why I would be offended by your posts.  I explained that the only reason I posted like that was to get your attention because I didn\'t like the idea of a thread where you can post offensive things and have no one be able to say anything about them.  I had a problem with that, and I expressed it.  You wanted controversial, so I went with the theme.

As for the rest of the PM\'s, you admit to having posted something that was misleading and sounded more offensive than you meant to have it sound, and even offered to edit it (something which you never did, might I add).  You appologized to me, and we were pretty civil at that point.  I thanked you for that, and I told you my beliefs on the topics when you asked me, and you elaborated on yours.

In your thread, you put that if you post something offensive, you should give some information as to why you feel that way, to help clarify it.  However, you didn\'t do that at all with the things you found offensive.  You basically just posted things like "AIDS was invented to kill off gays".  If you\'re posting a rule saying that people should do that in order, I assume, to avoid just blatantly offending people without reason, why didn\'t you follow your own rule?  I don\'t want to argue so much about something so long gone and in the past, but I just decided that if you weren\'t gonna follow your rules, I wasn\'t either, and poeple posting in that thread agreeing that the no posting about other people\'s beliefs rule wouldn\'t work.  My problem was not that you were posting those beliefs, but that you were posting things I very much disagreed with, and you weren\'t going to give me a chance to say anything about them in that thread.  If you want to post such controversial and potentially offensive things, you have to be willing to be called on them.  That\'s what I said in my PM\'s.

So say what you will about what I said, but I had a reason to say it, and I gave you my reasons both then and now.  No one else even batted an eyelash at what I did in public.  

Not to mention, might I add, that by the end of your thread, you yourself responded to a comment someone else made to argue against it :)

Once again, I really wanna stress I hold no grudge here and it\'s nothing personal.  I\'m just posting how I saw things.

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« Reply #73 on: February 20, 2004, 07:35:04 PM »
Titan: Do we really want a mod that can be 0wned this badly? To take something serious out of this thread, you can see numerous mods pointing out how much of a fool he was acting like. You can see him talking about liking to spam and posting just as a spamming opportunity. He admits himself that he\'s stupid, and that he\'s posting pointlessly only because he\'s bored. In this thread people actually mock the very idea of him ever being a mod or admin. Says something . Although I gotta admit, great thread

See, I took that mistake, learned from it and haven\'t really spammed that much since then. I\'ve matured a lot since then and if you\'ve noticed, I\'ve declined in post rate in the last few months and don\'t post "because I\'m bored", but because I have something to say. Should I be mod? Would I do a good job? If I\'m elected, I\'d give it my best shot. If I screw up and can\'t handle it, I would back down.

Swifdi- not a bad choice for mod. He may act like a twit sometimes but if he gets the position, I\'m sure he\'ll get more serious. He\'s also been here a while but I\'m sure he knows the majority of the rules.

Chizzy- My second choice for moderator. He\'s been here almost as long as me and knows the board well.

Bozco- Been here longer than me and I think he deserves the position. He knows the boards, the members and the rules.

theomen- first choice for mod. He has a facination with my name which is cool. Its great that someone actually acknowleged me. Fair, funny and just. A perfect choice to be a mod.

shockwaves- brought up the time I got owned that happened about a year ago. He doesn\'t seem to notice that I\'ve changed my ways and turned over a new leaf. I made a mistake, Ryu was "kind" enough to point out to me that I was acting like an ass and I changed my ways after that. I try to spam as little as possible. This makes me to believe if shockwaves really knows the members well enough to be mod.

Kurt- all around cool guy with a hot asian girl as his avy :) He would make a pretty good and fair mod.

samurai- he\'s pretty cool and an all around nice guy. I don\'t think he\'s ever made an angry post to someone or personally attacking another member.

titan- Knows the rules and follows them but I can\'t see him backing any decision he makes. Doesn\'t stand up for himself any.

I try not to get into any personal attacks when someone talks smack about me. I would just end up getting really pissed off and probably say something I don\'t mean. Thats why you don\'t see me stand up for myself on the boards.

Titan: Been here a while but just seems a little too young imo to become a moderator.

Interesting point. The other members are much older than me and have many more years of experience. I am a moderator as a small lacrosse message board but don\'t see myself doing much moderator work in a large section. I don\'t know why. Maybe I feel I\'m not responsible enough or something or not ready for such a responsibility or commitment. Plus, I find myself coming less and less to these message boards or only posting one or two posts. I\'m even THINKING of dropping out. I know I\'m not going to win and don\'t even care. If I win, great; if I don\'t, fine.

Titan: His infatuation with cats will someday get the better of him. And the FACT that you posted Devon as a campaign whore and didn’t even know it was her is just down right dispectable! How can you possible be a mod and not know Devon for godsakes!

I didn\'t save the pic as Devon thats why the name slipped my mind. And yes, the cats will rise up and rebel against me.

EDIT: Forgot Core, Gman and Racer

Core- all out great guy. He made my original avy which I still bring back on every so often. I think I will bring it back again actually. I need a replacement for the kitten. He\'s really nice and would probably make a Class A mod

Gman- gets a lot of crap and I\'ve never really thought of him as a bad person. Spams sometimes yes but don\'t we all? I find some of his topics to be enlightening at the end of a hard day. He does brighten up a bad day with some small post.

Racer- gets a lot of crap about the shower. He\'s probably the one who\'s been here the longest and not a mod. He knows his way around the boards and is a great guy when you get to know him.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2004, 07:45:54 PM by Titan »
Liquid Spam of The Spaminators
"That took some balls to stick a gun in his pants." -Gman
"LOL u know id fuck yu wsboth right? i would love to fuck the both of uyouy

U R FUCJKGIN FCUTE" -THX to luke and Bob

"13 year old girls sleep with older men cause they think theyre in love
13 year old boys sleep with older women cause theyd be stupid not to

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« Reply #74 on: February 20, 2004, 08:11:02 PM »
Originally posted by Titan
shockwaves- brought up the time I got owned that happened about a year ago. He doesn\'t seem to notice that I\'ve changed my ways and turned over a new leaf. I made a mistake, Ryu was "kind" enough to point out to me that I was acting like an ass and I changed my ways after that. I try to spam as little as possible. This makes me to believe if shockwaves really knows the members well enough to be mod.

Yeah, basically if I bring up ancient history, it shows I really don\'t have much on you.  I\'m running against some of my favorite members on the board, so sometimes I really have to dig to find something to say about them that\'s bad.  Take it as a compliment.


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