I\'ve been observing this thread, and waiting for the dust to settle before posting my answers to the questions.
1) Who would you least like to see as mod? I\'m not going to answer any questions that involve criticizing other members as a means of strengthen my position. Sorry, but that\'s childish, and nothing more than entertainment for the existing mods, who were all APPOINTED to their positions. If this were an important elected position in the real world, it might be worthwhile to point out the other candidates\' deficiencies, however I\'m not willing to make enemies here simply for entertainment purposes.
2) What forum would you like to create/come back? I think that an automotive forum would be very interesting and entertaining for our existing membership. The purpose is not to pull threads out of OT and put them somewhere else, but to give posters another category of topics to think about. I think an automotive forum would not be under utilized. It would prompt MORE threads on cars, and to me that would be very cool.
3) What do you consider Spam and is it really all that bad? Spam is any post that is of value ONLY to the person who posted it. It can be to increase the person\'s post count, position their name at the end of all threads on the threadlist, satisfy their boredom, or many other self-centered reasons. We are participating in a group discussion, and everything we post should pass through a mental filter that asks: "Will anyone else care about what I\'m posting?" If the answer is no, then it\'s spam. It is annoying and distracting.
4) Explain this post: "i really think that i how that guy os on he weekend"That is obviously a salutation in the little-known language of English skate punks (didn\'t know they had any...) meaning "May the seed of your loin be fruitful in the belly of your woman."
5) PSX2Central has continued to be a forum appealing to children of all ages along with adults as well, but recently, many different threads have pushed the boundary greatly, including those "hot babe" posts we have all come to know and love. Should PSX2central be made a young adult to adult oriented site? Why or why not? If it became an adult oriented site, what would your stance be on acceptable material? First, I don\'t think it\'s feasible to somehow switch the site so that it could be viewed by "young adults" or "adults" only. I\'m a pragmatist, and if I understood what was being proposed, I could provide a suitable answer. In my opinion, I think we can leave the forum open to member of any age, and simply make sure that nothing posted here contains any nudity, language, or violence that cannot also be seen on commercial television.
6) What would you do to rekindle the spirit of the forums and make them appealing once again to those users who have moved on or are considering just that? Is a change even necessary? There\'s very little that can be done from an administrative point of view to "rekindle the spirit" as it were. I don\'t feel that things are in a bad state now. There was a time period of about 8-12 months when posting declined, and the level of intelligent discussion eroded very rapidly. I think that is behind us now, and I feel that we\'re moving in the right direction. The Current Events forum was a brilliant improvement, and it fosters a great deal of intelligent discussion. All efforts to keep things at the quality level we desire must come from within. Each of us must continue starting the threads that we really want to see, and not succumb to laziness or procrastination.
7) Which mod do you feel has abused his powers and how would you be an improvement? The only cases I remember of any mod abusing powers were those situations in which a mod closed a thread without claiming responsibility for the closure, or stating why it was necessary. I consider that to be a cheap abuse of power, but because no one took credit for these in the past, I do not know who was responsible.
8) Are there any members that you are surprised the mods have or have not banned? I have not disagreed with any of the permanent bans. Of the temporary bans, the only one I recall disagreeing with was when Luckee was banned some years ago. I don\'t remember the circumstances, but it seemed unnecessary for the situation. I do not feel that any currently active members are deserving of being banned.
9) What mod would you most like to see have his powers pulled? I don\'t think any of the existing mods should have their powers pulled.
Bonus: Should the PSX2Central journals be closed? I realize that few people update in there, but there are honestly hundreds of sites you could freely use to write down your personal thoughts and now that rants and raves is back open, any b|tching can easily find its way there. Given those facts, should the board remain open? Why or why not? If you are a regular member and not part of this debate, feel free to PM me your answer to this question if you wish to express yourself.This goes to the heart of a general frustration I\'ve had with the organization of the PSX2Central forums. As often as we have created interesting new forums, just as frequently we have members or mods proposing to have them removed. I don\'t understand this obsession for removing forums, even those that receive little activity. I\'m sure that most of us frequent other internet forums that have as many as 100\'s of subforums with no technical problems. Certainly those sites have more members that we do, but I don\'t think having too many forums would be harmful to the overall activity of our site. If anything, having additional categories of topics would prompt people to start threads that might otherwise not occur to them.
With regard to the Journals: I do not post there, nor do I read other people\'s journals. It makes me uncomfortable to observe other people\'s inner secrets, and I generally don\'t want to share mine. However, I have no problem with leaving that forum in place for those who enjoy it. It does me no harm to ignore it.
What do you, as a possible moderator bring to the forum something other nominee\'s don\'t? Open mind? Cut down on spam? What makes you the one for the job?I am one of the older members of this forum, and I think that my evenhandedness, stability, and experience provide benefits for the job of moderator. I\'ve seen many things in my life, and met a wide variety of individuals. I have lived in Europe, and have real-world friends of many races, religions, and nationalities. I am accustomed to communicating with other individuals who have different ways of thinking and receiving information. In my real world job, I work with a group of 14 individuals scattered across North America. When they have squabbles and disagreements between themselves, they often turn to me to mediate and help resolve them. I am successful in this role because I am experienced in listening to both sides of an argument, and not predeciding an opinion based on personal allegiances or biases. What I\'ve written above may sound at first glance like resume doubletalk, but in fact it\'s very true. I\'m suspicious of describing myself from my own perspective, but many of my coworkers have also described me this way.
A thread is obviously pointless, but people are spamming away in it - some more than others. Do you , (1) close the threads , (2) only delete the worst of worse of posts or finally (3) ignore it and let them continue on?[/b]First, I would try to decide if the thread started as a useful contribution to the forum. If there is a useful subject buried under the spam, then the spammers must be warned to return to the subject, or start their own thread. I believe that if the spammers can be persuaded to stop spamming, the thread can be left as is for the real posters to resume the original subject. I would consider deleting posts a very aggressive and undesirable action, even if the posts are spam. If nothing in the thread contains any value, I would prefer to close the thread (after ample warnings) rather than delete posts.
What is the problem with the other members being mod? One by one, please. You\'ve listed why you think you should be a moderator, but not why the others shouldn\'t be.Sorry, I won\'t criticize the other nominees. Please see question 1.