Bozco: A hard one, because he\'s the guy I nominated. Meh, **** it. I don\'t really find him boring. I prolly enjoy his posts as much as anyone. If you don\'t vote for me, he\'d be a good 2nd choice.
Cyrus: Well, this is the easiest one for me. First of all, he\'s new. He hasn\'t been around all that long. Second of all, he\'s shown his own immaturity throughout this competition. He\'s been arguementative, which is a good thing in a situation like this, but in a way where he\'s talking down to and belittling the other members while not really saying much of anything in the process. I don\'t think that\'s a good type of attitude for a member to have. As for his list, the only thing that he could say about me relates to an online journal I post off this site which has absolutely nothing to do with how I am on this site (which is why I moved it off this site in the first place, by the way). If you don\'t like who I am and think I need to grow up, fine. I think you\'re the one who\'s been acting like a little kid on these boards though, and that\'s where it counts.
TheOmen: Beyond myself, Omen is one of the other member I think would make the best mod. He has a lot of fun on the forums, and he also can be serious when the time calls for it. His posts, however, have been steadily going down. Also, as a point of comparison, I post almost only in Off Topic, which shows that it gets all my attention and I\'d fit very well as a mod here. His posts are a lot more evenly distributed over several forums. He posts a lot in the PC and Hardware forum, especially in relation to the number of total posts made there. He also posts in Off Topic. Beyond that, he posts in main and console discussion. So where would you put him? Off Topic I guess, but it\'s not even all that clear where he belongs. And besides, think of the chaos if he were a mod. We\'d have few mods left that don\'t enjoy raping everyone in sight! TheOmen, Samwise...are you looking to scare members off?
Racer: Do we really want a mod who\'s best known for a certain shower experience?

I mean, if it weren\'t for that, what would we know Racer for? A lot of the people who nominated him even said it was just because he has taken so much abuse. And the same as Omen...members will just have to watch their asses that much more with him in power.
SwifDi: I mean, come on. He even says I would make a better mod than him. Need I say more?
Coredweller: This topic has been up for a day and a half. It\'s obviously important to who\'s being nominated, and he hasn\'t even posted in it yet. What does that say, both about his activeness and his desire to have this position?
Kurt Angle: Didn\'t take the thing seriously. Only posted pictures until I called him on it and asked him if he even could do otherwise. Through a couple pages of the thread he hadn\'t posted any words at all except to decribe a picture he posted. He posted a ton in that topic when he didn\'t actually have to say anything, but now in this topic he has posted only once, now that he actually has to say something to back his campaign...something of substance. Besides, Kurt Angle\'s an overrated wrestler anyway.
Chizzy: He\'s posted very little in these threads. 12 people posted more than him in his own group thread. Just shows that he isn\'t around here and posting that often. He\'s a cool guy, but he hasn\'t been paying much attention to this, and it doesn\'t seem like he really wants it that much. Besides, it\'s gotta be like a 50 50 chance he\'s either drunk or high while on the boards. Give him the power to edit posts, delete topics, and all that? I\'d hate to think about the potential there.
Gman: The response here is obvious...he spams more than anyone else. In the past 100 days, 7 of his threads have been locked, the most of any member (tied with (e)). What does it say about a mod if his own threads are the ones being locked all the time? The mods are the ones that are supposed to clean up the forums, and Gman has created as much of a clean up job for them as just about anyone. If his threads are the ones being locked all the time, not only does that reflect badly on him as a mod, but what does it say about his ability to tell which threads should be locked when it\'s up to him? What would a member say if he closes one of their threads while starting up a questionable or pointless thread of his own? The smiles say it all :gman:
Titan: Do we really want a mod that can be 0wned
this badly? To take something serious out of this thread, you can see numerous mods pointing out how much of a fool he was acting like. You can see him talking about liking to spam and posting just as a spamming opportunity. He admits himself that he\'s stupid, and that he\'s posting pointlessly only because he\'s bored. In this thread people actually mock the very idea of him ever being a mod or admin. Says something

. Although I gotta admit, great thread
Black Samauri: Ok, going back a bit to dig this gem up. Black Samauri posted that he is open minded and gives people the benefit of the doubt, which is why he above all others would make a good mod. About a year ago, he posted a topic for people to post controversial views. He then proceeded to post homophobic views of his, or at least what came out that way. He also posted saying that he thought many Greek and Roman achievements came from Egypt. Basically, I called him on this, saying I disagreed with his views on gays, and he PMed me with:
I apologize.
I am sorry that you are a gay greek man with aids. Didn\'t mean to offend you. Or did I?
BTW, Kiss my ass you pussy.
That was basically the most I was ever attacked in a PM or on this forum in general. Several PM\'s followed that one, with basically the same message when I tried to explain myself. For someone who says he is both open minded and gives people the benefit of the doubt, right here is a very good example of where he was neither open minded nor giving me the benefit of the doubt. He posted closed minded comments, not even in response to someone else\'s thread by in making his own thread purposely to do so, and then attacked me immediately for calling him on it. I mean, come on. Not only is that definitely not behavior that a mod should show, but it contradicts strongly what he said his strong points were. Sorry to bring up that history, but I had to say something. No worries though

. Besides, I invision people related to what their avatars are. I know we said this place should be kid friendly...but I don\'t think that\'s what we meant

In conclusion:
1. shockwaves
2. Bozco or TheOmen
3. Everyone else
4. Cyrus