1) Who would you least like to see as mod?
SwifDi as he has made it clear he does not want to become one. I have absolutely nothing against him personally at all but if he won this election we will have failed.
2) What forum would you like to create/come back?
Seeing as the Rants and Raves has already been brought back I would have to create something new. Probably a games high score forum where members post screenshots as evidence of their game scores and other people try to beat it. Another idea that could be popular is a games trivia forum where members PM mods/admins with a bunch of gaming questions for other members to answer. A music forum could be a cool idea too.
3) What do you consider Spam and is it really all that bad?
Spam to me is posts that a generally one word answers or posts that ruin what was esentially a good serious thread.
4) Explain this post: "i really think that i how that guy os on he weekend"
Being from the UK like Kopking it looks like I should translate for you guys

. I think this post was in a thread which contained a pic of someone. Kopking was just saying he thinks the guy really was like that on the weekend.
5) PSX2Central has continued to be a forum appealing to children of all ages along with adults as well, but recently, many different threads have pushed the boundary greatly, including those "hot babe" posts we have all come to know and love. Should PSX2central be made a young adult to adult oriented site? Why or why not? If it became an adult oriented site, what would your stance be on acceptable material?
Baring in mind that this forum is first and foremost a gaming forum I think it would be unwise to make it too adult orientated. After all it\'s the gaming aspect that will atract the kids and we don\'t want to expose them to porn. I think the babe threads in OT is as far as the site should go in the way of adult content. As long as there are no nipples/gentalia on display then it\'s fine with me.
6) What would you do to rekindle the spirit of the forums and make them appealing once again to those users who have moved on or are considering just that? Is a change even necessary?
I think when the next generation of consoles come out the forum will naturally attract new members anyway.
7) Which mod do you feel has abused his powers and how would you be an improvement?
I don\'t feel anyone has abused their powers at all, it they had they they would be out like a shot. I don\'t think mm would stand for it quiet frankly.
8) Are there any members that you are surprised the mods have or have not banned?
Not really, we have had members in the past who have been possibly slightly annoying, generally the stupid posts etc just get deleted by mods anyway. People who post porn links or warez links or who blatently flout the rules do deserve to be banned though.
9) What mod would you most like to see have his powers pulled?
There isn\'t one that I would like to see demoted, but there are a few moderators who haven\'t been around for a while. Maybe it would make sense to replace those with people who have the time.
10) What do you, as a possible moderator bring to the forum something other nominee\'s don\'t? Open mind? Cut down on spam? What makes you the one for the job?
I\'ve stated a few things in the group thread but anyway, I am the only one from the UK so I will be online while most of the American candidates are in bed. This along with my sense of humour and being fairly easy going will help me to become "the popular mod"

I am also not one to hold grudges or personal vendettas against other members. I also contribute quite a bit to the main forum in the way of gaming news/screenshots. Most of the other candidates are strictly OT-ers.
11) A thread is obviously pointless, but people are spamming away in it - some more than others. Do you , (1) close the thread , (2) only delete the worst of worse of posts or finally (3) ignore it and let them continue on?
If a thread is pointless and it is encouraging spam then te only thing to do is to close it, plain and simple.