Although I still lurk here regularly, it\'s been a while since I was a frequent poster. Because of my lack of posting, I\'ve lost touch with a lot of what\'s going on with everyone else around here. I figure it\'s time to catch up with old friends.
So everyone post how old you are now, what you are doing in life, and anything else you want to mention.
About me: I\'m 21. I\'ve been living on my own for a little over a year now. I\'m going to college at the University of Utah, and I\'m working as a bus-boy/dishwasher at a local pizza place -- just trying to stay alive. Hopefully in a few years I\'ll be able to get into the video game industry -- something I\'ve wanted to do ever since I was like 12.

I\'m a sophomore now (2nd year in college out of 4 for all of the foreigners out there

), and I\'ll be majoring in Computer Science.
So what\'s going on with you?
(isn\'t this thread teh SUp3R Cr@zY?!!!)