Originally posted by Paul
Damn...look whos\' talking...make up your mind!! Whether you want to compare burgers or computer or hardware!!
See that title above this thread?Does it say XBOX vs PS2???
Man keep concluding that I am trying to say that PS2 rules ALL!!I already explained WHY I refered to XBOX and PS2.This ISNT the case of comparing hardware.You are assuming.Just read myother posts as well and try to get my point.
I think that already officially ends all debate of Direct X > PS2. :rolleyes:
Oh God.Here we go again.I said MORE OFTEN and becuase they are finished tools on which developers have been specialiasing, used on newer hardware.PS2 is old hardware but new in the industry and its recently that the gaming industry seems to adjust to the non-direct X, different hardware approach.I wonder if you read everything I write in this thread btw.PS2 ionly refered becuase its the best example on which standard tools arent being used.I could have generally mentioned consoles other than XBOX instead of PS2.
This probably seals the debate already...the cheaper and more advanced hardware and now...AT A CHEAPER PRICE and guarantees to looks better (99% of the time)...who cares whether it\'s Direct X or OpenGL or whether it\'s running on steam engine?? Your "PS2 helps the XBOX" non-theory is as imaginary as the tooth fairy you see in your dream.
This clearly shows that you STILL believe the whole point of this thread was COMPARING PS2 WITH XBOX!!!
Again...you\'ve pretty much confirmed my suspicion that you really have NO F*** IDEA on what\'s the heck u r talking about. Jak looks different from R&C because IT IS A DIFFERENT GAME, DONE BY DIFFERENT DEVELOPERS, THUS THE GRAPHICS STYPE ARE DIFFERENT!!! Get it?? Graphic Style is up to the Art designer and has nothing to do with the tools! Am i talking to a monkey??
Actually what you just said confirms that your brain is trying to force you to convince me that the XBOX RULES which isnt the point.
They arent using the same tools.And the graphics engine of each game TOTALLY differs.They started working from different directions.On Direct X all games use similar graphical engines.I ve seen the sequel of Duex Ex on XBOX and the graphics didnt differ from what I ve seen in Halo much.They werent much better either.Different developers eh?
I wonder if I am talking to a child.
Yes you are, Mr Fanboy. If you\'re not a fanboy, then you\'re the worst case of "i dunno what the heck i\'m talking about" i\'ve seen in a forum yet...
You are the worst case of "whoever doesnt agree with me must be stupid and wrong and I comprehend whatever I want to comprehend than catch the point" I ve ever seen in my whole life.
Oh yeah sure...DX a step backwards...and i still haven\'t see the majority of PS2 developer manage anything remotely close to the top titles on the XBOX...this is not because the PS2 is complicated...i\'m quite sure most major developers knows how to code the PS2 by now....it just that THE LIMIT HAS BEEN REACHED.
Get it Mr fanboy?? What you REALLY DON\'T UNDERSTAND is there is a cost performance impact when you try to do something that is not supported by the hardware. It\'s not the developers dont\' know how to do it, but by doing so, it\'ll sacrifice too much of the parts. Example, implementing 5.1 soundtrack will sacrifice one of the VU unit, that is why only a handful of games(which is not too demanding graphically) which is using it. Otherwise, the VU unit is best left to do other stuff the PS2 is so lacking in.
LOL you were the one comparing hardware and telling me how much powerful XBOX is compared to PS2 (which was never the case).Ofcourse I didnt say the XBOX kicks PS2\'s ass.Perhaps thats the only way to show that I am not a PS2 fanboy????*SHEESH*
This statement proves ones again that you still dont understand shit of what I am talking about.
I already admited probably for the bilionth time that XBOX can do better graphics than PS2.Still trying to prove me how much inferior the PS2 is technologically?
You are the only person here making direct hardware comprisons.Ofcourse I didnt expect much.As the fanboy that you are you thought I was trying to bash XBOX and convince that PS2 is more powerful and can do better graphics.
I seem to be repeating myself...I ll repeat once again a small example I mentioned before "Thank the tools taht were developed for PS2 for Burnout3.And yes it might look better on XBOX.Thats still not the point bucause it is supposed to be on more powerful hardware and we arent comparing hardware
But you wrote pages and pages of thesis on how DX sucks and holds back the XBOX and how the poor XBOX gets all the benefit from PS2 developer!!! You are one confused kid.
No you are the confused dude here.I didnt completely trash Direct X.You thought that by judging Direct X I was trying to bash XBOX.Ofocurse what else would a fanboy think?If I was trying to bash XBOX I would have said that the PS2 is superior from XBOX technologically, and that the PS2 can produce better graphics.But I already stated that games on PS2 may not look as good as XBOX games BUT THATS NOT THE FREAKING POINT.In the case of burnout 3 it can be ported on XBOX just as it is and still be impressive even for XBOX despite the fact that it might be nearing PS2\'s full potential more and less XBOX\'s.
XBOX gets high benefits sometimes from PS2 ports since games arent directly programmed on XBOX(Direct X).But on other tools.Thats what I mentioned.How have I mentioned XBOX being "poor" (you said it not me) when I said so many times that the XBOX surpasses PS2 in many graphical aspects, and that the PS2 ports look better on XBOX???
Hell I was one of th epeople defending Fable when mm\'s was trashing it in one of the threads.Yes I know thats an XBOX game
Well, i did try to talk some sense into you but since you just keep repeating yourself without any new materials, heck, why should i talk in a cohesive comprehensible manner with someone who obviously lacked the similar ability to do so....:rolleyes:
no you are trying to convince me you are right.I keep reapeting myself BECUASE YOU SEEM TO REPEAT YOURSELF!!
GETS THE BENEFITS FROM PS2", Who\'s the one who declared "Direct X is un-innovative"(when you obviously confused with graphic style and the utilization of tools)...yadda yadda blah blah blah...
Ok.How does this mean I ment XBOX gets only benefits from PS2 am trying to understand HOW!
For God\'s sake you keep assuming I am comparing XBOX with PS2.
You expect me to agree and say "DIRECT X is the best ever"?Well sorry I dont believe that.It just happens to be used in XBOX.
Graphic style=I ment different engines= different tools used=different graphics
utilization of tools: Direct X==standard tools=Similar engines developed and used=not utilizing full potential of hardware
Because in you previous life, you\'re a tape recorder???
Cheers. [/B]
You should become a comedian if you want free salad
Just hope you wont get a free plate as well on the head