Originally posted by ViVi
These people hate us so much they think doing this is justifiable. What the hell did we do to piss someone off that much, I really want to know. If anything we should be doing that to those ungreatful bastards.
And we thought we were justified in lobbed bombs into their city in 92 and 03..whats yer point exactly?
Have you not read or heard about US history in the last 50 years? We are bullies and have been. We are arogant. We think better of ourselves, to the point of attempting to force some of our ways and values on other countries. We cant keep our noses out of business that doesnt directly concern us.
got enough reasons yet? Ive got more.
As for topic....killing is one thing. But dragging bodies through streets and hanging them is a bit much. 75% of war is psychological, and this will certainly screw witht he heads of alot of our soldiers unfortunatly.
On the other end of the spectrum..you do know that we ambush them often as well right? Our media just calls it an attack on a key installation or a pocket of resistance.