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Author Topic: saddams lawyer  (Read 1908 times)

Offline Toxical
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« Reply #30 on: April 25, 2004, 01:54:42 PM »
Yeah but according to Bush a gallon of anti-freeze in a "Turkey Farm" is WMD ;)

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« Reply #31 on: April 25, 2004, 09:35:04 PM »
Originally posted by Titan
I guess you didn\'t read my WMD posts. Look for them and then say we didn\'t find them. I don\'t feel like posting it again for the 5th time. It is what the military thinks a WMD is.

Hey well most of the citizens in this country aren\'t in the military. So what, are they just supposed to assume that they are finding the lost-and-never found WMD?
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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« Reply #32 on: April 26, 2004, 06:43:23 PM »
Originally posted by Toxical
Yeah but according to Bush a gallon of anti-freeze in a "Turkey Farm" is WMD ;)

Tell me when he said that. I want to hear a quote and see a link.

Originally posted by SirMystiq
Hey well most of the citizens in this country aren\'t in the military. So what, are they just supposed to assume that they are finding the lost-and-never found WMD?

The citizens probably don\'t know jack of what Saddam did so I don\'t think they\'d help in the WMD search. Plus, I find it comical that liberals and democrats are so impatient in the WMD search. Its been a year and Iraq isn\'t exactly a small country. There are thousands of square miles of sand to search. It will take time. I love it when after a week in the war, a Democrat congress man was quoted with saying "We\'ve been at war for a week, why haven\'t any WMDs been found yet?" I laughed my ass off.
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Offline GigaShadow
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« Reply #33 on: April 26, 2004, 07:18:18 PM »
The suicide boats that attacked the oil platforms were suspected of using a chemical explosion - rather than a conventional one.  There is also suspicion that Saddam and his ex followers may have or are selling chemical weapons to these terrorists.  

Since you can\'t see the WMD, they must not exist?  I wouldn\'t bet on it.  Thousands of gallons of various chemical weapons don\'t just disappear.  They may not be in Iraq now, but I am sure Syria, Iran and/or the terrorists have what is left of the Iraqi arsenal.
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Offline Toxical
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« Reply #34 on: April 26, 2004, 07:48:12 PM »
The burden is on Bush to “produce” those WMD’s.
If Syria or Iran have Iraq’s WMD, then why did Bush use that as an excuse to invade Iraq?

I just don’t understand why we went to Iraq in the first place, weren’t we supposed to fight Terrorism?
Did we stop the terrorists already? No, we did not.. so why spend billions and time on something that will not get us  anything in the fight against “terrorism”

I can see us going after camel-humpers in Afghanistan like Bin Laden….. but going after Saddam was just an excursion which served no anti-terrorist agenda.

I assume the real agenda was:
A) Stabilize the region for Saudi-Arabia and Israel.
B) Get one back for Sr. Bush and the republican Hawks.

If Bush invaded Iraq, then he might as well invade North Korea, I see no distinction between north Korea and Iraq.(The axis of “Evil”) Yet we walk on tip-toes around N.Korea, why? No Oil to export back to the father-land?

Offline GigaShadow
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« Reply #35 on: April 27, 2004, 05:08:35 AM »
Originally posted by Toxical
The burden is on Bush to “produce” those WMD’s.
If Syria or Iran have Iraq’s WMD, then why did Bush use that as an excuse to invade Iraq?

I just don’t understand why we went to Iraq in the first place, weren’t we supposed to fight Terrorism?
Did we stop the terrorists already? No, we did not.. so why spend billions and time on something that will not get us  anything in the fight against “terrorism”

I can see us going after camel-humpers in Afghanistan like Bin Laden….. but going after Saddam was just an excursion which served no anti-terrorist agenda.

I assume the real agenda was:
A) Stabilize the region for Saudi-Arabia and Israel.
B) Get one back for Sr. Bush and the republican Hawks.

If Bush invaded Iraq, then he might as well invade North Korea, I see no distinction between north Korea and Iraq.(The axis of “Evil”) Yet we walk on tip-toes around N.Korea, why? No Oil to export back to the father-land?

Let me make this a little more clear - Iraq has or had WMD\'s - when the war broke out he either sent them to Iran, Syria or gave them to terrorists.  

Going after Saddam served no anti terrorist agenda?  Explain why Saddam was harboring Abu Abbas?  Explain the abandon terrorist camps that the Marines and our other armed forces have found in the country.

The whole blood for oil slogan has been disproven - if we were exporting the oil back here to the US why the hell am I paying over $2.00 a gallon for gas?!?!?  Maybe because we aren\'t!  Toxical, please come up with some factual information instead of political rhetoric.
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Offline ooseven
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« Reply #36 on: April 27, 2004, 05:57:39 AM »
off topic i know but..

$2 for a gallon of oil...

Try paying our prices in rip-off Britian :(
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Offline Toxical
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« Reply #37 on: April 27, 2004, 06:23:50 AM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow
Let me make this a little more clear - Iraq has or had WMD\'s - when the war broke out he either sent them to Iran, Syria or gave them to terrorists.  

Going after Saddam served no anti terrorist agenda?  Explain why Saddam was harboring Abu Abbas?  Explain the abandon terrorist camps that the Marines and our other armed forces have found in the country.

The whole blood for oil slogan has been disproven - if we were exporting the oil back here to the US why the hell am I paying over $2.00 a gallon for gas?!?!?  Maybe because we aren\'t!  Toxical, please come up with some factual information instead of political rhetoric.

Your point about where the WMD went is just theory, you have no proof. I have no proof. At best we are both speculating

America harbored terrorists too before 9/11, they grabbed some air-planes and flew them into buildings.  Should Saddam be responsible for any riffraff that is in his country? In that case Bush should be in jail..

Abu Abbas along with other Pals did some crazy ass things to draw attention to their cause, like shooting some old guy in a wheel-chair(though the old guy was probably causing shit, so he got shot), but I hardly see him in the same way as I see Bin-Laden and al-Qaeda.

Finding one retired old Palestinian militant in Iraq does not qualify as success in the fight against terrorism I think.

Your oil theory is rhetoric, the only reason the gas prices haven\'t gone down in price is because companies that produce gasoline haven’t got the inclination to lower the price. This is due to greed and maybe not enough refineries available to meet demand, but I’m betting it is the “greed” that wins out with big corporations.

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« Reply #38 on: April 27, 2004, 08:03:40 AM »
Originally posted by Toxical
America harbored terrorists too before 9/11, they grabbed some air-planes and flew them into buildings.  Should Saddam be responsible for any riffraff that is in his country? In that case Bush should be in jail..

Abu Abbas along with other Pals did some crazy ass things to draw attention to their cause, like shooting some old guy in a wheel-chair(though the old guy was probably causing shit, so he got shot), but I hardly see him in the same way as I see Bin-Laden and al-Qaeda.

You have just discredited yourself completely with those two paragraphs.  We harbored terrorists... do you even know what the word harbored means - especially in the context you just used it in?  The old guy deserved it, a guy in a wheel chair causing problems!?!?!

I am done debating this nitwit.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2004, 12:01:32 PM by GigaShadow »
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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