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Author Topic: SHare a useless fact!!! - Turned to racism debate - turned to Apprentice talk  (Read 3450 times)

Offline Jar O Pickles
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Originally posted by theomen
everyone is racist but me.  But I will say one thing, it\'s kind of screwed up how you can say Black power, or mexican power or whatever, and it\'s just empowering, but if someone says white power then they are eeeeeevil.  Also that there are many other races that have groups and clubs that are based on the hatred of other races, yet the KKK is the only one who gets publicized.  It\'s no one fault really, I guess it\'s just the way it goes, but the double standars do suck.  You can joke about white males all you want, but if a white dude makes fun of a black dude, then it\'s racist.  Why can\'t we just all get along and hate the rich?

thats not true
what do you think italian-american, irish-american, polish-american, etc. clubs are
 they have those all over the place, they\'re non-racist white people clubs at least most of them are non-racist
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Offline Skyrider666
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The Aboriginals have it better than whites in Aus,they can get a loan for a new car make 3 payments and because my fathers fathers father treated them bad the government will pay for the other $30 000. :(
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Offline GigaShadow
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Originally posted by clips
on the titanic they locked up all the black cooks in the kitchen & told them to wait for help...and we all know how that turned out..
something you didn\'t see in the multimillion dollar remake that was the titanic..:rolleyes:

What a crock of $hit...

The group that suffered the most on the Titanic were the third class passengers who were locked below decks so the First and Second Passengers could try and escape.  

The Third class passengers were made up mostly of Irish, Italian, and from other poor European countries.  This whole post is a joke.  I can\'t even find any evidence that the Titanic employed a significant amount of black employees at the time - considering the vessel was launched from the UK and not the US.  

Also clips you might want to note alot of the employees who died where those who were working in the engine and boiler room (who were white) and trying to keep the ship a float.
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Offline videoholic

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That was my point as well Giga.  Just because some blacks were forced to die on the titanic by the upity ups getting on board the boats first doesn\'t make it racist.

It makes it more of a class thing.

It\'s almost like this crazy Omarosa chick from the Aprentice.  This chick is certifiable.  One scene she was arguing with someone and the the gal said, "That\'s like the pot calling the kettle black."

Then Omarosa went off on it being racist.  Ugh...  I had to get a new screen for my tv because my boot went through it.
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Offline GigaShadow
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Originally posted by videoholic

It\'s almost like this crazy Omarosa chick from the Aprentice.  This chick is certifiable.  One scene she was arguing with someone and the the gal said, "That\'s like the pot calling the kettle black."

Then Omarosa went off on it being racist.  Ugh...  I had to get a new screen for my tv because my boot went through it.

Oh yeah I saw that... :laughing: well she did work for Clinton :rolleyes:

Hey did you see her return last night?  Poor Kwahmi (sp?) I can\'t believe he picked her - I thought for sure she would be the last to be picked.  She is one crazy bitch!
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Offline QuDDus
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You mofo\'s leave clips alone he probably was watching roots or something when he posted and got seriously pissed off at whity.

Ok everyone knows they treated all the poor ppl like shit on the titanic no matter what color they where.
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Offline Ginko
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It\'s almost like this crazy Omarosa chick from the Aprentice. This chick is certifiable. One scene she was arguing with someone and the the gal said, "That\'s like the pot calling the kettle black."

Then Omarosa went off on it being racist. Ugh... I had to get a new screen for my tv because my boot went through it.

On Good Morning America she went as far to say that she was called a n*****.  Donald Trump responded that there were something like 12 cameras following these people around and something like that would have been caught on tape or at least heard about.  Omarosa\'s a liar anyway, on last night\'s episode she proved that.

Anyway, like Black Samurai said...People LOVE playing the victim.  People also like to get caught up in the details.   I\'m indian, spanish, and italian...that doesn\'t mean anything to me and I can\'t begin to think how I could justify using anyone of them as a shield or sword.

There was this one girl at my high school who would scream in the lunch room how white people had her people in shackles and forcing them to work in the hot sun.  It was an everyday thing so eventually we ignored her...she said we were ignoring her because she was black!!!  Funny thing though, one day she was preaching about slavery then someone informed her that it was her own people who sold her african brothas into slavery.  Of course she said "the white man lies", but the look on her face while she digested that little bit of information was priceless.

Offline videoholic

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She was on Oprah yesterday going on and on about the N word comment.

That chick is a crazy bitch.
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Offline GigaShadow
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Question for those who saw the apprentice last night - Do you think she is purposesly being inept doing her job (or lack of doing it) regarding the Jessica Simpson concert.  I told my wife that I thought it was just an act.  She has to have been somewhat successful to get on the show and work for a former President.  

As far as her being racist - I think she either is or is putting on a good show to further her own 15 minutes of fame (I think it a little of both).  For all we know it could have been a scripted event on the part of the producers of the show to gain more ratings.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2004, 07:20:17 AM by GigaShadow »
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Offline videoholic

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I honestly think it\'s scripted.  You don\'t just lose a band and a singer.  It\'s obvious they pushed her towards that.

Now, her acting obnoxious at the table saying the phone call was nothing.  If that\'s scripted by the producers then Qwami would have a serious case of tamporing.  I mean he has no clue she is sticking it up his ass.  What isn\'t fair is that in the real world she would have been fired.  But he has to put up with her.

Outside of the entertainment world, I just don\'t see how anyone could hire her.  Oprah yesterday she was a dispicable human being.  Cutting off everyone as they were talking.  Even Donald.  And she tried to act all upity in her diplomatic way.  What a coniving bitch.
I wear a necklace now because I like to know when I\'m upside down.
 kopking: \"i really think that i how that guy os on he weekend\"
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Offline GigaShadow
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Can\'t he fire her?   I am thinking Donald brought her back to see if whoever got her would actually fire her.
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Offline videoholic

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Good point..  Never thought of that.  He did say that they were their employees.  NOT Teammates.

Ah, you are on to something mon ami.

Nevermind.  It could be something staged.

Does Bill have someone blowing up his bum too?
I wear a necklace now because I like to know when I\'m upside down.
 kopking: \"i really think that i how that guy os on he weekend\"
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Offline GigaShadow
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I dunno but Bill\'s team (other than that hottie Katrina) looks pretty bad.  Nick looks pissed and I don\'t think Amy has gotten over the fact she got canned LOL.  

Even if it is staged - he needs to fire her.  Right before they picked teams Donald said something like about loyalty... if someone is disloyal once, I don\'t give them another chance to do it again or something like that.  Then the former teammates came in and the teams were picked.  I find it funny he said that right before they broke up into teams and then the crap with Omarosa started... hmmm...
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Offline videoholic

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He also said they were employees numerous times.

I think Bill\'s problem is that the people he picked were all JUST FIRED.  They all have a chip on their shoulder.

Qwami\'s people have all been gone a while.
I wear a necklace now because I like to know when I\'m upside down.
 kopking: \"i really think that i how that guy os on he weekend\"
TheOmen speaking of women: \"they\'re good at what they do, for what they are.\"

Offline Ginko
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Originally posted by GigaShadow
Question for those who saw the apprentice last night - Do you think she is purposesly being inept doing her job (or lack of doing it) regarding the Jessica Simpson concert.  I told my wife that I thought it was just an act.  She has to have been somewhat successful to get on the show and work for a former President.  

As far as her being racist - I think she either is or is putting on a good show to further her own 15 minutes of fame (I think it a little of both).  For all we know it could have been a scripted event on the part of the producers of the show to gain more ratings.

From the looks of next week\'s previews it sounded like Jessica was confused as to what was going on.  Don\'t blame her either, Omarosa clearly didn\'t have her shit together because by the end of the show I wasn\'t sure as to what was happening concerning the transportation of Jessica.

I wanted to kick in Omarosa\'s face for lying to Kwame.  The fit about not wanting to discuss the phone call was uncalled for, then lying about Diana calling her was just absurd.  I don\'t see why Omarosa would act like this on national tv, anyone who watches it would know not to work with her.    

As for Bill\'s team, I think Nick and Amy are bitter about being fired.  Neither one of them looked like they enjoyed taking orders from Bill however I think they\'ll do their job.  Katrina is the only one who seemed enthusiastic about the project.  I\'m a bit suprised seeing as how she claims Bill turned on her in the board room and she called him a coward.


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